Friday, July 24, 2009

Big kid stuff

Just filled out an application for an apartment in West Harlem... that's still being renovated... fingers crossed that it'll be done in time for the fam to move my stuff in! Otherwise it's back to square one...

It seems like busy things happen in clumps out here... like apartment hunting yesterday and today, dinner/show tonight, volunteer project tomorrow... and then nothing scheduled until Thursday. I suppose that gives me some time to work hardcore on the collage I've been planning for months now! I'll have pics of the ongoing process on Facebook soon (as well as some of the epic weekend party night), but I'm way excited for the finished product!!

In less than a month I'll be moved and working and a real deal adult. Which will be awesome once it's a month from now but remains ominously surreal (surreally ominous?) for the moment.

In other news, I like cooking. I've decided that purchasing the necessary items for high-quality meals is going to be my one and only splurge category here. I may forgo owning a TV, and I may never attend cultural events with a price tag, but I will eat pesto chicken and fried plantain chips and cous cous and whole wheat rigatoni carbonara and fresh fruit and soy milk. All together. All the time.



  1. Katie,
    I love you. I am totally jealous of the food. And I laughed really hard when I read it.


  2. Okay, that comment confused me a little. Because I didn't remember writing it, because it wasn't me.

    Glad you are doing well! Do you eat Lebanese cous cous? It's way better.
