Monday, April 25, 2011



My name is Kate. I love to run and complete crossword puzzles. I wear flat shoes most of the time. I do not eat meat, and I enjoy Mexican food, cereal, beer, coffee, and... chocolate. I follow the news. I listen to podcasts and TEDTalks. I do not own a TV. I have no idea what's happening on the current season of American Idol. I sing in an adult choir, where members are more than 1-4 years apart in age. I make budgets and fix toilets and make my own almond butter. I lead initiatives at my Unitarian Universalist church. I have many friends who are married, getting married, or close to getting married. I drive a car maybe twice a year. I use a calendar to keep track of my schedule.

How entwined are substance and label? Does a change of name facilitate or even precipitate change in personality or lifestyle? Opposite? (PS, go watch 30 Rock's 100th episode. Brilliance.)

Images from the life of Kate:

I sang with my adult, secular choir in D.C... at a Lutheran church.

AND I had a homestay in springy, colonial-tinged Annapolis, MD.

The parents came for a visit, and I walked them many more miles than they had anticipated... Totally worth this view, though! Little Red Lighthouse under George Washington Bridge, about 2 miles from my apartment.

Though not made of foam, we did still fly the traditional Easter airplane, this time in Central Park!

Love, Hugs, & SPRING!