Saturday, January 9, 2010

One Up on New York

I know I occasionally come down hard on the Midwest and especially the state of Iowa for all sorts of perceived deficiencies in the realms of culture, transportation, open-mindedness... But seriously, y'all are winter champions. In this winter of mid-20s and 30s defined by local newspapers as an "unusually frigid cold spell", I salute to the Iowans and often Illinoisans who brave weeks of frozen eyelashes and perpetually chapped lips and apocalyptic winds for what seems to be the entirety of January. And sometimes February. New Yorkers may have their museums and ethnically rich neighborhoods and superb (if not infallible) public transportation system... but they are wimps when it comes to cold weather. Kudos, Midwest. Kudos.

Back to school and getting back into the rhythm with surprising swiftness. I actually started writing next week's lesson plans at school this week--a new method I hope can become a semester trend... makes weekends a lot less stressful! I can't help but stand in awe at the contrast between my first week teaching in 2009 and that of 2010... I feel like a totally different teacher: confident in my lesson plans and discipline strategies; familiar with the names, personalities, and abilities of my students; friendly and talkative with teachers... I like not being the new kid. =)

Things I am looking forward to in the next few weeks and months despite the inevitable winter blahs:
-Developing my repertoire of delicious/healthy/vegetarian recipes
-Music lessons totally free of concert preparation
-American Idol. To be sure, my enthusiasm has waned significantly since college and the departure of Ms. Abdul, but you can bet I'll be on an elliptical for the season premiere!
-TWO week-long breaks before April, the second of which will include a visit to both my childhood AND collegiate homes... Yessss.
-Surreptitious giggles at the habits of literal fair-weather New Yorkers

Love, Hugs, and Mild Winters!
Kate =)

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