Take that Wednesday, Tuesday won this blog war.
Today was my first official day as a teacher. No kids until Monday, but I got to sit through professional development that didn't apply to me (never will) and get down to the hardcore setup of my classroom. Kind of.
As mentioned previously, my room acted as storage for basically the whole school this summer. Extra furniture is allegedly being "taken care of" by the time Monday rolls around. "Ok, so if your room was storage, then clearly you at least have everything you need in the classroom," you might respond. False. No, friends, instruments are stored in a closet no one will access until later this week and music-themed decorations are in a closet (in my very room even) with a lock no one will slice open until later this week. Oh, and have I mentioned I'm not there later this week? That this was my one and only day to set up? I'm already anticipating a lump of instruments and a cascade of closet materials cluttering my room upon my arrival Monday. Welcome to music, kids...
In other news I do like being part of a school community, even if I'm not really an employee and everyone's too busy to tell me what the hell is going on. Although I did receive a school tour--unexpected and definitely helpful!! I <3 my assistant principal, way nice.
So I spent 9 working hours at school today, will get paid for 6, didn't take a lunch break until 3, and still have to get down to the main office some time to press out more die-cut letters for bulletin boards I didn't even know were mine until today. By about October, I expect my classroom and instructional organization to rock. But let's not expect anything grand until then.
Then I exercised (I was on a roll!), skyped with my Malaysian friend Ellen (so she's not actually Malaysian...), conference called Meghan into the action, and now am feeling suddenly exhausted. Every time I feel that way I remember the time my junior high French teacher explained to us that there are some words in French for which there is no English cognate. Her example: there is no single English word to indicate sudden exhaustion. Alors, je suis fatiguée.
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