Sunday, September 6, 2009

Not being able to think of a good title probs spells trouble for the post...

Apparently blog inspiration only hits on Wednesdays and Sundays... or maybe those are the days that most frequently entertain boredom...

Meghan is here! We spent the last few days indulging in free and cheap NYC--success! Proudest accomplishment: receiving the equivalent of 2 beers and a personal pizza all for $6. PS: I kind of like beer now.

We visited my classroom Thursday... The room is huge, and clearly this fact has not escaped school administrators/custodians who have thusly used the space as a catch-all storage center for the summer. I have twice as many chairs, tables, chalkboards, and filing cabinets as I need, along with 4 computers (out of 4) that don't work. For whatever reason, the powers that be elected that the MUSIC supplies--a keyboard lab of 20 units and various other large and small classroom instruments--be stored in a closet down the hall behind piles and piles of general classroom teacher materials that won't be distributed until Tuesday. In general, I have my work cut out for me.

Tuesday will be spent in orientation and professional development meetings in the morning and classroom assembly in the afternoon. Between having to switch all my extra furniture for things that actually belong in a music classroom, decorating the walls with supplies to which I may or may not have access ("We'll either find you the key to that closet or slice off the lock..."), and putting up bulletin boards, it'll be a full afternoon. The first week of lessons may involve a lot of imaginative visualization of a nice-looking classroom...

I am a New York State Certified Teacher. Several months late and several dollars short, but good news for next year.

Continuing to carve out potential community... Meghan and I attended a young adult brunch after UU service today and met a lot of really nice people! Some slightly more awkward than others, but overall a nice bunch. =)


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