Monday, September 28, 2009

Compartmentalizing the week

Let's break it down into life categories this week...

LOVING it. First week of full, distinct grade lessons with pre-assessment and teaching objectives... That may not sound fun to you, but I'm enjoying getting to the core of what I'm here to do! The kids are about where I expected them to be, but it's nice to know for sure where they are and what skills need work. The first class of every grade unfortunately is tending to draw the short straw; I make fantastic changes after I see what went well/wrong in the first section =) We'll fix that.
Also, I might have a Friday job! There's a charter school that operates out of the same building as my public school and they don't have a music teacher this year... but the principal approached me about working Fridays for her students!! The school is only K-2 so far so I'd probably be able to squeeze them all into a day. And I could double on lessons. And instruments. And classroom. Waiting for ETM's approval, but even if they can't take on another partner school I may still be able to work for the charter if they have enough flex budget... we'll see!!

Taking care of an apartment is tiresome work. Today (no school--thanks Judaism!) I cleaned and swept and did (am doing--just got one load in) laundry all day in addition to finishing up lesson plans. And I still want to exercise tonight... we'll see if that happens based on when another washer frees up for load #2... Additionally, I've had pleasant, VERBAL exchanges with several neighbors today. Who says you never meet your neighbors in New York? =)

Meghan had quite the birthday weekend!! We went out 3 nights in a row with varying degrees of partying intensity. Add one more sunrise evening to the list =) In other news I will not be spending any more money on fun until at least November.

Commute (might as well get its own category--at least 10 hours/week!)
I love crosswords now. Also, just finished "The Handmaid's Tale"--EXCELLENT read!! One of those "Oh man I really want to finish this, but wait--that means there's no more book to read! Must put down... Must read..." books. Highly recommended.

Love & Hugs,
Kate =)

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