#1: Being DONE forever with my first concerts ever!!!!
They were pretty amazing. Dress rehearsals--crazy, crazy, crazy. But that's how it goes, right? Although next time, I would like to have a stage for my dress rehearsal; let's not double book it with a music dress rehearsal and H1N1 vaccinations next time, ok? Thanks. But seriously, I could not be prouder of my kids! They were so professional and definitely delivered all those invitations we wrote out because there were LOTS of parents at each concert (my principals were all surprised, that's a good thing!). And my teachers and supervisor all seemed impressed with the performances. Also a good thing!
Other things that are awesome, in no particular order:
Sing Off
A nationally televised acapella singing competition with Ben Folds as a judge? Neat. Don't spread this around, but I may or may not believe it to be a far more legitimate operation than a certain other seasonal, singing-based reality show... Mr. Lachey, however, is no Seacrest.
Listening Lessons with 4th Graders
They're really astute listeners--it's so interesting to hear them communicate what they hear in a piece of music. Also, when you are told that Usher is singing when it is, in fact, Clay Aiken, that's always a fun time.
Purchasing a week-long Metrocard instead of a month-long pass
Because a week from today, I WON'T NEED ONE!!! ...for 7 days. =)
Homemade pizza: Half-White, Half-Caprese edition
Delicious. Although, I must add that baking pizza and pumpkin muffins in the same sitting makes for some interesting flavors licked off of one's fingers...
The smell of pop-up Christmas tree vendor fences
Mmm, pine.
Celebrating the conclusion of concert week with apple strudel and Chardonnay
=) Kate
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
End in sight!
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel... and it's a string of Christmas twinklers =)
I'm actually really getting into the holiday season this year... In college it seemed to get lost in finals and CWW (burning out on endless rehearsals and interdirector passive agression does not exactly put one in the holiday spirit), but now in full-on concert mode and all of New York decorated, I've been given the opportunity to embrace the season. The pinnacle may be tonight, when I decorate my apartment while watching Elf. Now if I only had the energy to make cookies...
The Week in Review
The catalyst for my newly discovered holiday cheer would have to have been the Christmas Spectacular Day on the Town in which Meghan and I partook Saturday. Though the Radio City show was as cheesy as I'd imagined, it did have some nifty special effects and nostalgic musical offerings of the Christmas variety. After the (9am) show, we hustled ourselves around the city for the rest of the day--in the rain. I think for about 10 minutes it was snow... that's kind of festive, right? Anyway, we walked our way through many a holiday market and bookstore and surprisingly made a number of satisfying gift purchases. Best part: entertainment and food ALL paid for by my lovely grandparents. Good times =)
It's cold here. Winter accessories cold--but I do love winter accessories! Regardless of the temperature and wind though, it has yet to compare to Midwest winter. Every time I feel my thighs start to numb, I think, "How much colder would it have to be for my eyelashes and/or boogers to freezy?" The answer is always "Tens of degrees," so we're good.
I learned that the simple act of visiting a doctor cures most ailments. Well, that and getting a prescription for Z-pak (it's like my very own interactive Advent calendar!). But the ear thing DID solve itself. Thanks, ear. Also, thanks Duane Reade (think New Yorker Walgreens/CVS) for providing a walk-in doctor's office for those of us who don't have real roots. Yet.
I've consumed 2+ seasons of 30 Rock (for the second time, of course) in about as many weeks. I do have to say, the brilliant show is even better once you live in New York. So many geographically oriented inside jokes.
99 Cent Stores are a waste of time. I went to 3 today looking for stickers, construction paper, and non-religious wrapping paper (for my classroom door) with no results. Then I went to Target and got all of them for 99 Cent Store prices. Suburban-oriented amenities: 1. Urban-oriented amenities: 0.
Concerts this week! I do have an accompanist (that happened Monday--it's generally been a very good week!) and my kids seem excited and adequately prepared to perform. And that's the most I could ever ask for my very first concert endeavor.
The next door neighbors just began to belt Tiny Dancer. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night. =)
I'm actually really getting into the holiday season this year... In college it seemed to get lost in finals and CWW (burning out on endless rehearsals and interdirector passive agression does not exactly put one in the holiday spirit), but now in full-on concert mode and all of New York decorated, I've been given the opportunity to embrace the season. The pinnacle may be tonight, when I decorate my apartment while watching Elf. Now if I only had the energy to make cookies...
The Week in Review
The catalyst for my newly discovered holiday cheer would have to have been the Christmas Spectacular Day on the Town in which Meghan and I partook Saturday. Though the Radio City show was as cheesy as I'd imagined, it did have some nifty special effects and nostalgic musical offerings of the Christmas variety. After the (9am) show, we hustled ourselves around the city for the rest of the day--in the rain. I think for about 10 minutes it was snow... that's kind of festive, right? Anyway, we walked our way through many a holiday market and bookstore and surprisingly made a number of satisfying gift purchases. Best part: entertainment and food ALL paid for by my lovely grandparents. Good times =)
It's cold here. Winter accessories cold--but I do love winter accessories! Regardless of the temperature and wind though, it has yet to compare to Midwest winter. Every time I feel my thighs start to numb, I think, "How much colder would it have to be for my eyelashes and/or boogers to freezy?" The answer is always "Tens of degrees," so we're good.
I learned that the simple act of visiting a doctor cures most ailments. Well, that and getting a prescription for Z-pak (it's like my very own interactive Advent calendar!). But the ear thing DID solve itself. Thanks, ear. Also, thanks Duane Reade (think New Yorker Walgreens/CVS) for providing a walk-in doctor's office for those of us who don't have real roots. Yet.
I've consumed 2+ seasons of 30 Rock (for the second time, of course) in about as many weeks. I do have to say, the brilliant show is even better once you live in New York. So many geographically oriented inside jokes.
99 Cent Stores are a waste of time. I went to 3 today looking for stickers, construction paper, and non-religious wrapping paper (for my classroom door) with no results. Then I went to Target and got all of them for 99 Cent Store prices. Suburban-oriented amenities: 1. Urban-oriented amenities: 0.
Concerts this week! I do have an accompanist (that happened Monday--it's generally been a very good week!) and my kids seem excited and adequately prepared to perform. And that's the most I could ever ask for my very first concert endeavor.
The next door neighbors just began to belt Tiny Dancer. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night. =)
Friday, December 4, 2009
We'll call the glass half-full...
Let's take a look at the week... Through BRIGHT rose-colored spectacles...
At least some songs on my concert will be accompanied... by children on bells and percussion...
Lost my accompanist on Tuesday due to some switching around of teachers at ETM. T-minus 10 days until the first dress rehearsal and I am totally without pianist. I have many inquiries out but no bites yet. Trying very hard to avoid panic...
The human body adapts well to a 50% reduction in aural capacity.
That's right, deaf in one ear. Sinus congestion? Wax? Infection? Hard to tell. But I can still hear things moderately well, so that's a plus...?
I could pretend that the Radio City Christmas Spectacular is attempting to be ironic and/or satirical in its zealous presentation of holiday consumerism and outdated gender stereotypes.
The grandparents have surprised me with tickets to the leggy, saccharine-filled production and I have no way out of it. A detailed review will be forthcoming with contributions from my colleague in viewing, Ms. Meghan Smith.
Feces on the floor... I'm going to chalk this one up as a teaching rite of passage.
Much thanks to Ms. Brewster's Kindergarten class (I'm looking at you, Priest) for facilitating my induction into this privileged circle of educators.
Program polishing and concert procedures today, much Christmas fun with Meghan tomorrow (after Radio City we're hitting up pretty much every outdoor holiday market in the city!), and errands on Sunday... Well wishes for my sanity--and an accompanist!--are greatly appreciated. =P
At least some songs on my concert will be accompanied... by children on bells and percussion...
Lost my accompanist on Tuesday due to some switching around of teachers at ETM. T-minus 10 days until the first dress rehearsal and I am totally without pianist. I have many inquiries out but no bites yet. Trying very hard to avoid panic...
The human body adapts well to a 50% reduction in aural capacity.
That's right, deaf in one ear. Sinus congestion? Wax? Infection? Hard to tell. But I can still hear things moderately well, so that's a plus...?
I could pretend that the Radio City Christmas Spectacular is attempting to be ironic and/or satirical in its zealous presentation of holiday consumerism and outdated gender stereotypes.
The grandparents have surprised me with tickets to the leggy, saccharine-filled production and I have no way out of it. A detailed review will be forthcoming with contributions from my colleague in viewing, Ms. Meghan Smith.
Feces on the floor... I'm going to chalk this one up as a teaching rite of passage.
Much thanks to Ms. Brewster's Kindergarten class (I'm looking at you, Priest) for facilitating my induction into this privileged circle of educators.
Program polishing and concert procedures today, much Christmas fun with Meghan tomorrow (after Radio City we're hitting up pretty much every outdoor holiday market in the city!), and errands on Sunday... Well wishes for my sanity--and an accompanist!--are greatly appreciated. =P
Monday, November 30, 2009
Wah wah
I don't seem to be in the mood for anything but sleeping right now... Not school work, cleaning, exercise, DINNER... So maybe a blog will help get the mopies out of my system?
School Update:
Good news bears--I'm back in my classroom!
Bored news bears--I've gotta come up with new ways to present the concert songs or I am going to drive the kids and myself insane... All over in 17 days!
GREAT day! Meghan came over here in the morning to cook, and then she and I brought our respective dishes (green bean casserole, apple pie) to Sally's for an all-around delicious meal. And evening for that matter. Thanksgiving from now on will not be complete without an all-guest instrument jam led by a baby. Good food, good friends, good wine, good self-made music... And to top it off, we ran into none other than Dr. Paul Torkelson as we entered the subway station on our way home. Impressive.
Since then...
Not really anything to report. Definitely feeling the end of the year slump/exhaustion/lack of motivation kicking in. I'm more tired, the weather is generally dull, concert preparation is sometimes like waiting for water to boil (and sometimes not--the preschool teachers have actually been practicing the songs with their kids and they knew soooo many more words than I expected of them today!!), and I'm basically ready to be home, even if it is for a whirlwind 7 days. During which I kind of have to plan 5 more months of music curriculum... Oh well, February break is right around the corner, right?
I suppose I should feed myself something. They say eating is good for you. Any suggestions on kicking myself back into gear are much appreciated =)
School Update:
Good news bears--I'm back in my classroom!
Bored news bears--I've gotta come up with new ways to present the concert songs or I am going to drive the kids and myself insane... All over in 17 days!
GREAT day! Meghan came over here in the morning to cook, and then she and I brought our respective dishes (green bean casserole, apple pie) to Sally's for an all-around delicious meal. And evening for that matter. Thanksgiving from now on will not be complete without an all-guest instrument jam led by a baby. Good food, good friends, good wine, good self-made music... And to top it off, we ran into none other than Dr. Paul Torkelson as we entered the subway station on our way home. Impressive.
Since then...
Not really anything to report. Definitely feeling the end of the year slump/exhaustion/lack of motivation kicking in. I'm more tired, the weather is generally dull, concert preparation is sometimes like waiting for water to boil (and sometimes not--the preschool teachers have actually been practicing the songs with their kids and they knew soooo many more words than I expected of them today!!), and I'm basically ready to be home, even if it is for a whirlwind 7 days. During which I kind of have to plan 5 more months of music curriculum... Oh well, February break is right around the corner, right?
I suppose I should feed myself something. They say eating is good for you. Any suggestions on kicking myself back into gear are much appreciated =)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Penguin slippers, Pie, and Police Investigations
Got your attention! But first, DC...
What a WONDERFUL and overdue weekend away from the city--my first since June!! I think my commuting or European choir tours or something has made me immune to bus bore; The 4.5 hour rides there and back didn't feel like any labor, especially with a ton of Hulu courtesy of free wifi (Megabus has it now too!) on the way there.
Friday and Saturday were full of adventure and activity... And LOTS of walking! We estimate 10 miles on Saturday. That's including a 3-mile walk for the DC Metro Area homeless, but still. 7 is a pretty good amount of trekking as well. Lots of great restaurants and enough site-seeing (They emptied the reflection pond! We walked in it!) filled Friday night and Saturday during the day. Then we (Meghan, Fraz, Cheeks, and I) had some good ol' Gato and mostly passed out from exhaustion and wine sleepies for the rest of the visit. Meghan somehow mustered up the energy to stay out 'til the wee hours of the morning though... Power to ya.
So the weekend was the perfect balance of fun and relaxation. Epic success.
Still plodding along with concert prep. Generally it's going well, despite occasional snags such as not having access to my classroom for an entire day of classes due to an overnight break-in at the school. I was informed by the police that my classroom was a crime scene and I couldn't touch anything, take anything from it, or teach in it all day. Nothing was stolen from my room (still have yet to hear the school-wide report), but it's suspected my 3rd floor, construction-obstructed window was compromised to provide an entry point into the school. That's effort right there. So I traveled the school as a musical hobo, complete with winter coat, cumbersome bag, and useless lesson plans. Got stuff done though, could have been worse. Seriously, I'm not sure if the appropriate response to the whole situation is anxious paranoia or naive amusement. For the sake of my psychological well-being, I'm going to go with amusement...
But now I'm in penguin slippers listening to Christmas music (screw you, day after Thanksgiving), having recently put into the oven my very first solo attempt at the famed Grandma Pie for Thursday. Meghan and I are going over to Sally's for dining and hopefully some wining as well... Though she's lived here with her fellow New Zealander husband for 6 years, they've never celebrated Thanksgiving. She's starting this year out of curiosity and has a lot of cute questions, among them, "So, what day do you folks do the eating?" Basically, way pumped.
To take a page from the Thanksgiving assemblies at my school this week, I will conclude with a list of that which I am thankful for this T-giving:
-Restful and joy-filled weekends with college friends
-A cultural background involving Christmas to appreciate the season of widespread holiday-themed decorations and grocery store music
-Generous, established friends with the ability to host a full-out Thanksgving meal
-The ignorance of burglars in the area of Orff instrument market value
-Penguin slippers after a day of hiking up and down stairs and across town in some of the less comfortable heels I own
-Grandma Pie.
-Conversation of all kinds
-A lovely family
-The promise of being with said lovely family in LESS THAN A MONTH!
-You. Cliche? Whatevs, it's true.
=) K
What a WONDERFUL and overdue weekend away from the city--my first since June!! I think my commuting or European choir tours or something has made me immune to bus bore; The 4.5 hour rides there and back didn't feel like any labor, especially with a ton of Hulu courtesy of free wifi (Megabus has it now too!) on the way there.
Friday and Saturday were full of adventure and activity... And LOTS of walking! We estimate 10 miles on Saturday. That's including a 3-mile walk for the DC Metro Area homeless, but still. 7 is a pretty good amount of trekking as well. Lots of great restaurants and enough site-seeing (They emptied the reflection pond! We walked in it!) filled Friday night and Saturday during the day. Then we (Meghan, Fraz, Cheeks, and I) had some good ol' Gato and mostly passed out from exhaustion and wine sleepies for the rest of the visit. Meghan somehow mustered up the energy to stay out 'til the wee hours of the morning though... Power to ya.
So the weekend was the perfect balance of fun and relaxation. Epic success.
Still plodding along with concert prep. Generally it's going well, despite occasional snags such as not having access to my classroom for an entire day of classes due to an overnight break-in at the school. I was informed by the police that my classroom was a crime scene and I couldn't touch anything, take anything from it, or teach in it all day. Nothing was stolen from my room (still have yet to hear the school-wide report), but it's suspected my 3rd floor, construction-obstructed window was compromised to provide an entry point into the school. That's effort right there. So I traveled the school as a musical hobo, complete with winter coat, cumbersome bag, and useless lesson plans. Got stuff done though, could have been worse. Seriously, I'm not sure if the appropriate response to the whole situation is anxious paranoia or naive amusement. For the sake of my psychological well-being, I'm going to go with amusement...
But now I'm in penguin slippers listening to Christmas music (screw you, day after Thanksgiving), having recently put into the oven my very first solo attempt at the famed Grandma Pie for Thursday. Meghan and I are going over to Sally's for dining and hopefully some wining as well... Though she's lived here with her fellow New Zealander husband for 6 years, they've never celebrated Thanksgiving. She's starting this year out of curiosity and has a lot of cute questions, among them, "So, what day do you folks do the eating?" Basically, way pumped.
To take a page from the Thanksgiving assemblies at my school this week, I will conclude with a list of that which I am thankful for this T-giving:
-Restful and joy-filled weekends with college friends
-A cultural background involving Christmas to appreciate the season of widespread holiday-themed decorations and grocery store music
-Generous, established friends with the ability to host a full-out Thanksgving meal
-The ignorance of burglars in the area of Orff instrument market value
-Penguin slippers after a day of hiking up and down stairs and across town in some of the less comfortable heels I own
-Grandma Pie.
-Conversation of all kinds
-A lovely family
-The promise of being with said lovely family in LESS THAN A MONTH!
-You. Cliche? Whatevs, it's true.
=) K
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Things I've learned this week
Gym membership makes for some amusing anecdotes.
1) I saw a guy walk backwards on a treadmill. Like, I was in the row behind him and he was facing me. That's a first.
2) Bones is always on TNT. There is never any other show on that network. All hours of evening, weekends, Friday mornings... Always.
3) The CW has some negligent and/or genius editors. When the actors-on-greenscreen juxtapose with the title of its newest Twilight-inspired series in such a way that the viewer reads "VAMPIRE DIAPIES"... No wait, that actually sounds like an intriguing show. Much moreso than "Vampire Diaries". Touche, CW, touche.
I should be an opera singer.
On hoarse voice, singing a song entitled "No School Tomorrow (If It Snows)". Please see Stephanie for a reference letter.
Never, ever, ever lay down on any surface at 7pm.
Dominican establishments make good Dominican food. That's it.
Pudin de Pan dessert = Success
Egg rolls = Fail
The makers of Sudafed deserve awards upon awards.
There is something in the water at PS 43.
ALL of my classes were on best of best behavior today. Even the self-contained BD class. Whatever has gone wrong, I hope it continues.
NYC's giant Christmas tree is in Rockefeller Center in Times Square in Brooklyn.
One out of three isn't bad... at least they knew the city.
In DC this weekend to visit Fraz and (surprise!) Cheeks with Meghan--way excited!
=) KP
1) I saw a guy walk backwards on a treadmill. Like, I was in the row behind him and he was facing me. That's a first.
2) Bones is always on TNT. There is never any other show on that network. All hours of evening, weekends, Friday mornings... Always.
3) The CW has some negligent and/or genius editors. When the actors-on-greenscreen juxtapose with the title of its newest Twilight-inspired series in such a way that the viewer reads "VAMPIRE DIAPIES"... No wait, that actually sounds like an intriguing show. Much moreso than "Vampire Diaries". Touche, CW, touche.
I should be an opera singer.
On hoarse voice, singing a song entitled "No School Tomorrow (If It Snows)". Please see Stephanie for a reference letter.
Never, ever, ever lay down on any surface at 7pm.
Dominican establishments make good Dominican food. That's it.
Pudin de Pan dessert = Success
Egg rolls = Fail
The makers of Sudafed deserve awards upon awards.
There is something in the water at PS 43.
ALL of my classes were on best of best behavior today. Even the self-contained BD class. Whatever has gone wrong, I hope it continues.
NYC's giant Christmas tree is in Rockefeller Center in Times Square in Brooklyn.
One out of three isn't bad... at least they knew the city.
In DC this weekend to visit Fraz and (surprise!) Cheeks with Meghan--way excited!
=) KP
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Sometimes life doesn't lend itself to organized paragraphs
My fifth graders learned a modified kick line today. Awesome.
The Office is back to its old self again! Congrats, PLEASE keep up the good work! 30 Rock, you also performed well tonight. Good work. (Also, am I the only one rooting for Jack and Liz as more than business partners...??)
Older kids learn music faster than expected. Younger kids not so much.
The bakery around the corner is the best and most dangerous neighborhood resource. I got something called Pudin de Pan today. It involved raisins and dense cake and sweet goo and I don't know what it's really supposed to be but it was a dollar and it made me full. Also, empanadas.
If I saw a purple and yellow sign in a foreign language covering up the display panel of an exercise machine, I probably wouldn't use that machine. Lady, it's ok that you don't speak English, but perhaps the reason your machine won't light up is 1) because it's out of order, and 2) because there's a large purple and yellow sign with some kind of message on it covering up the display so people know not to use it. Maybe.
Conferences were this week... Only had to stay for the ones during the normal school day but apparently a lot of teachers were surprised with the turnout--really promising news for our population!!
Steven Tyler has left Aerosmith. What.
Lesson plans are so much easier and quicker to plan--and more smoothly executed--when song-centered. Good to know, even after concert season. With my extra weekend time, I have decided to engage in much-needed creative activities. Drawing. Composing. Jamming. Blogging? =)
Love me some PJ's Wine store. Apparently one of the top ten wine warehouses in the nation, and I can walk there in about 8 minutes. Ask me about Gato Negro sometime... Best. Value. Ever.
I like babies. Other people's babies. And money earned from hanging out with other people's babies. But mostly the babies.
Sesame Street. So many fond memories, so many classic video clips resurfacing for the show's 40th anniversary. Love it.
Probs forgetting other things worthy of mention... Meh.
=) Kate
The Office is back to its old self again! Congrats, PLEASE keep up the good work! 30 Rock, you also performed well tonight. Good work. (Also, am I the only one rooting for Jack and Liz as more than business partners...??)
Older kids learn music faster than expected. Younger kids not so much.
The bakery around the corner is the best and most dangerous neighborhood resource. I got something called Pudin de Pan today. It involved raisins and dense cake and sweet goo and I don't know what it's really supposed to be but it was a dollar and it made me full. Also, empanadas.
If I saw a purple and yellow sign in a foreign language covering up the display panel of an exercise machine, I probably wouldn't use that machine. Lady, it's ok that you don't speak English, but perhaps the reason your machine won't light up is 1) because it's out of order, and 2) because there's a large purple and yellow sign with some kind of message on it covering up the display so people know not to use it. Maybe.
Conferences were this week... Only had to stay for the ones during the normal school day but apparently a lot of teachers were surprised with the turnout--really promising news for our population!!
Steven Tyler has left Aerosmith. What.
Lesson plans are so much easier and quicker to plan--and more smoothly executed--when song-centered. Good to know, even after concert season. With my extra weekend time, I have decided to engage in much-needed creative activities. Drawing. Composing. Jamming. Blogging? =)
Love me some PJ's Wine store. Apparently one of the top ten wine warehouses in the nation, and I can walk there in about 8 minutes. Ask me about Gato Negro sometime... Best. Value. Ever.
I like babies. Other people's babies. And money earned from hanging out with other people's babies. But mostly the babies.
Sesame Street. So many fond memories, so many classic video clips resurfacing for the show's 40th anniversary. Love it.
Probs forgetting other things worthy of mention... Meh.
=) Kate
Friday, November 6, 2009
Is it December 23 yet?
Let's break this week down...
Friday: Sick. So sick.
Saturday: Sick, but not as sick as Friday. Lesson plans done. Didn't leave the apartment.
Sunday: Sick, but on the upswing. Bulletin board decorations done... enough... Free wine and meal with the Catholics, got a music teacher's business card. And a reminder that Sudafed and wine are probs not the best combination...
Monday: Sick (seeing a pattern?) but I almost forgot whilst plowing through the day. Kids still squirrely from Halloween candy.
Tuesday needs its own space.
Professional development day... which should have been ease breeze compared to a teaching day but definitely was one of the more stressful days I've had this year... The content of the PD (educators love acronyms) was not specifically relevant to me, of course, but the experience was perhaps the most relevant I could ask for at this point in the year. PS 43 is preparing for a Quality Review by the Dept of Ed, so we discussed all day the current state of the school, its students, and what we could for both. It's disheartening to hear stories of endless and varied attempts to get parents involved and then only one shows up to end-of-the-year conferences. I found myself frantically designing plans in my head to use my program to support the goals of the school. Latin-themed concerts? Music room open house? Student-written invitations to concerts? When I have a lot of ideas but no immediate way to test them out or even bring them to fruition, the stress and tension tend to build up. I need to remember that this is my VERY FIRST YEAR TEACHING and I can't expect myself--now or ever--to save the world or school. Since Tuesday I've been able to take a step back and focus on a few little initiatives I can start next semester... It'll be a process and inevitably an evolution, and I'm grateful to have had the PD to kickstart the journey.
On a more readily positive note, I was able to connect with teachers on a personal level, observe teacher-teacher and teacher-administrator dynamics, learn something about my school and its student population (HUGELY helpful!), listen to staff assess the school and curriculum against a number of standards... Though I stayed until sunset to finish my bulletin boards, having multiple teachers tell me it was pleasantly surprising to see me at the PD makes it all worth it. Basically I feel much more a part of the community now and much better equipped to center my instruction--in technique and content--around the needs of my students next semester.
Also on Tuesday, I learned that my grades were allegedly due on Monday. Like, the day before Tuesday. So that made for a long evening of computing and printing, especially after that sunset departure. But I got them done, and most teachers didn't even know music was supposed to be on the report cards. So they saw it as a bonus. Win-win. Win.
Oh right, and sick. But tea was provided throughout the day.
Wednesday: Less sick... Had a VERY successful teaching day accompanied by a super positive observation session by my mentor. Kids learn music fast. Great news bears. The Yankees won the World Series, an occurrence I came to discover upon waking up at midnight to a stream of cheers, car horns, lasers (no kidding), and that grating Jay-Z/Alicia Keys song out my window. I get it, Inwood, you like baseball.
Thursday: A little more sick... Not as successful of a teaching day when you have lost 95% use of your voice by the third class. Which happens to be a self-contained behavior disorder class with half of the 10 students experiencing very bad mood days resulting in multiple physical fights. Verbal ones too. They recently learned the vocabulary word "veto" and were taking advantage of it. Ah, the empowerment of education... Then I left my stress at school and spent the evening with Meghan eating Wendy's and watching shows live on something called a television, thus reliving the good ol' days... Except in the good ol' days, a chicken sandwich combo did NOT cost $7.17. Ripoff.
Friday: Sickish, mostly because I have no voice. Laying low, cleaning, lesson planning, concert prep (I just realized I gave my only Hanukkah song of the concert to the only grade in the school with a Jewish teacher. At least I think he's Jewish. Go, Wiki, go!), and babysitting for Sally--more appropriately, her daughter Isabella--later tonight. And grocery shopping. And obtaining a copy of Beauty and the Beast from Midtown. What am I doing writing this blog...
Love, Hugs, and Honey Lemon Tea!
Kate =)
Friday: Sick. So sick.
Saturday: Sick, but not as sick as Friday. Lesson plans done. Didn't leave the apartment.
Sunday: Sick, but on the upswing. Bulletin board decorations done... enough... Free wine and meal with the Catholics, got a music teacher's business card. And a reminder that Sudafed and wine are probs not the best combination...
Monday: Sick (seeing a pattern?) but I almost forgot whilst plowing through the day. Kids still squirrely from Halloween candy.
Tuesday needs its own space.
Professional development day... which should have been ease breeze compared to a teaching day but definitely was one of the more stressful days I've had this year... The content of the PD (educators love acronyms) was not specifically relevant to me, of course, but the experience was perhaps the most relevant I could ask for at this point in the year. PS 43 is preparing for a Quality Review by the Dept of Ed, so we discussed all day the current state of the school, its students, and what we could for both. It's disheartening to hear stories of endless and varied attempts to get parents involved and then only one shows up to end-of-the-year conferences. I found myself frantically designing plans in my head to use my program to support the goals of the school. Latin-themed concerts? Music room open house? Student-written invitations to concerts? When I have a lot of ideas but no immediate way to test them out or even bring them to fruition, the stress and tension tend to build up. I need to remember that this is my VERY FIRST YEAR TEACHING and I can't expect myself--now or ever--to save the world or school. Since Tuesday I've been able to take a step back and focus on a few little initiatives I can start next semester... It'll be a process and inevitably an evolution, and I'm grateful to have had the PD to kickstart the journey.
On a more readily positive note, I was able to connect with teachers on a personal level, observe teacher-teacher and teacher-administrator dynamics, learn something about my school and its student population (HUGELY helpful!), listen to staff assess the school and curriculum against a number of standards... Though I stayed until sunset to finish my bulletin boards, having multiple teachers tell me it was pleasantly surprising to see me at the PD makes it all worth it. Basically I feel much more a part of the community now and much better equipped to center my instruction--in technique and content--around the needs of my students next semester.
Also on Tuesday, I learned that my grades were allegedly due on Monday. Like, the day before Tuesday. So that made for a long evening of computing and printing, especially after that sunset departure. But I got them done, and most teachers didn't even know music was supposed to be on the report cards. So they saw it as a bonus. Win-win. Win.
Oh right, and sick. But tea was provided throughout the day.
Wednesday: Less sick... Had a VERY successful teaching day accompanied by a super positive observation session by my mentor. Kids learn music fast. Great news bears. The Yankees won the World Series, an occurrence I came to discover upon waking up at midnight to a stream of cheers, car horns, lasers (no kidding), and that grating Jay-Z/Alicia Keys song out my window. I get it, Inwood, you like baseball.
Thursday: A little more sick... Not as successful of a teaching day when you have lost 95% use of your voice by the third class. Which happens to be a self-contained behavior disorder class with half of the 10 students experiencing very bad mood days resulting in multiple physical fights. Verbal ones too. They recently learned the vocabulary word "veto" and were taking advantage of it. Ah, the empowerment of education... Then I left my stress at school and spent the evening with Meghan eating Wendy's and watching shows live on something called a television, thus reliving the good ol' days... Except in the good ol' days, a chicken sandwich combo did NOT cost $7.17. Ripoff.
Friday: Sickish, mostly because I have no voice. Laying low, cleaning, lesson planning, concert prep (I just realized I gave my only Hanukkah song of the concert to the only grade in the school with a Jewish teacher. At least I think he's Jewish. Go, Wiki, go!), and babysitting for Sally--more appropriately, her daughter Isabella--later tonight. And grocery shopping. And obtaining a copy of Beauty and the Beast from Midtown. What am I doing writing this blog...
Love, Hugs, and Honey Lemon Tea!
Kate =)
Friday, October 30, 2009
Not dead, Mom
Dear Mom:
I am sick. But I am not dead. I repeat, I am not dead. I bought me some Sudafed and more OJ and chicken soup. I am taking lots of naps. Not. Dead.
(Mom's a little bit of a worrier, and understandably so with her two children off in the real world and away from her all-encompassing medical care. Love you, Mom)
So my first sickety-sick-sick day in New York. Not so bad when you have Friday off. I have been working(ish) for about an hour at a time before my head or back or nose tells me I need to lie down, resulting in intermittent hour-long naps throughout the day. Not the most productive 24 hours, I'll tell ya that.
The lady at the drugstore told me to feel better after buying Sudafed... First I thought "How sweet!" then "Wait, I could have been buying it for someone else or to stock up..." then "Oh yes, I am sporting the controlled bedhead, no makeup, slouchy sweatshirt look. Right." Even so, more proof that New Yorkers aren't as far off from Midwesterners as some would have you believe.
If I didn't have to prepare a winter concert, I wouldn't. This next week of lessons is aaaaall concert rep in hopes that the kids learn it really fast and I can sneak in some real content sometime before January... Here's hoping =)
So I decide to go TV-less the year that EVERYTHING on TV is fabulous! Hulu, you are welcome to postpone those fees as long as possible... Please watch Modern Family. It's awesome. Don't let it go the way of Arrested Development. You'll thank me about 2 minutes into your first episode.
Well this has become quite the scattered post. Probs the virus. Cheese and crackers (do I have any crackers left? Hm...) and then maybe a little more lesson planning before my late afternoon nap. If I can kick this before Monday it'll all be worth it...
Love, Hugs, & Sudafed!
Kate =)
I am sick. But I am not dead. I repeat, I am not dead. I bought me some Sudafed and more OJ and chicken soup. I am taking lots of naps. Not. Dead.
(Mom's a little bit of a worrier, and understandably so with her two children off in the real world and away from her all-encompassing medical care. Love you, Mom)
So my first sickety-sick-sick day in New York. Not so bad when you have Friday off. I have been working(ish) for about an hour at a time before my head or back or nose tells me I need to lie down, resulting in intermittent hour-long naps throughout the day. Not the most productive 24 hours, I'll tell ya that.
The lady at the drugstore told me to feel better after buying Sudafed... First I thought "How sweet!" then "Wait, I could have been buying it for someone else or to stock up..." then "Oh yes, I am sporting the controlled bedhead, no makeup, slouchy sweatshirt look. Right." Even so, more proof that New Yorkers aren't as far off from Midwesterners as some would have you believe.
If I didn't have to prepare a winter concert, I wouldn't. This next week of lessons is aaaaall concert rep in hopes that the kids learn it really fast and I can sneak in some real content sometime before January... Here's hoping =)
So I decide to go TV-less the year that EVERYTHING on TV is fabulous! Hulu, you are welcome to postpone those fees as long as possible... Please watch Modern Family. It's awesome. Don't let it go the way of Arrested Development. You'll thank me about 2 minutes into your first episode.
Well this has become quite the scattered post. Probs the virus. Cheese and crackers (do I have any crackers left? Hm...) and then maybe a little more lesson planning before my late afternoon nap. If I can kick this before Monday it'll all be worth it...
Love, Hugs, & Sudafed!
Kate =)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Simple Joys
I Love:
Central Park
Especially in autumn. But you already knew that.
Fresh vegetables
Green beans last week, peas this week... and not from a can!! Good snacks and sides and you feel healthy eating them.
Cute kids on the subway
Mom: What's our stop?
3 year old: 1748.
Mom: 125th.
3 year old: I was VERY close.
My teachers
From swapping stories with some other music teachers, apparently school teachers can be very catty. Not mine--yay!! I also randomly ran into about 6 of my teachers on my commute home... Incentive to pack up for the day a little quicker to get to the train station a few minutes earlier than usual! And I have serious suspicions of a secret teachers' lounge. We'll see.
Great conversations with friends
SO many this week! It's good to talk through joys and frustrations out loud sometimes. And I love love love hearing about your lives as well... There's a very tangible feeling sinking in that we're squarely in the realm of adulthood now. The conversations reflect it in content and depth and I LOVE it!!
Streamlined lesson planning
I'm starting a new system where I write next Monday's lesson plans the preceding Monday afternoon and so forth. The classes' progress is still fresh in my mind and I only would have to do 2 plans a night max. And NO WEEKEND PLANNING!!! Big bonus.
Sweet summer evenings, hot wine and bread...
I anticipate Rachel Vickers and Rachel Vickers alone appreciating this.
Some things I could learn to like more:
Saving money
Choosing winter concert repertoire
SUCH a different state of mind when the apartment's clean... And less of a chance of encountering these guys:

But I'll leave you with a more pleasant image...

Central Park
Especially in autumn. But you already knew that.
Fresh vegetables
Green beans last week, peas this week... and not from a can!! Good snacks and sides and you feel healthy eating them.
Cute kids on the subway
Mom: What's our stop?
3 year old: 1748.
Mom: 125th.
3 year old: I was VERY close.
My teachers
From swapping stories with some other music teachers, apparently school teachers can be very catty. Not mine--yay!! I also randomly ran into about 6 of my teachers on my commute home... Incentive to pack up for the day a little quicker to get to the train station a few minutes earlier than usual! And I have serious suspicions of a secret teachers' lounge. We'll see.
Great conversations with friends
SO many this week! It's good to talk through joys and frustrations out loud sometimes. And I love love love hearing about your lives as well... There's a very tangible feeling sinking in that we're squarely in the realm of adulthood now. The conversations reflect it in content and depth and I LOVE it!!
Streamlined lesson planning
I'm starting a new system where I write next Monday's lesson plans the preceding Monday afternoon and so forth. The classes' progress is still fresh in my mind and I only would have to do 2 plans a night max. And NO WEEKEND PLANNING!!! Big bonus.
Sweet summer evenings, hot wine and bread...
I anticipate Rachel Vickers and Rachel Vickers alone appreciating this.
Some things I could learn to like more:
Saving money
Choosing winter concert repertoire
SUCH a different state of mind when the apartment's clean... And less of a chance of encountering these guys:

But I'll leave you with a more pleasant image...
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Sometimes you just need real boots.
So I've bought 3 pairs of shoes this month. Roughly 3 pairs higher than average, but all of them necessary buys. Flats for school so my feet don't die and rain/winter boots so I don't die. No more shoes for a while.
And so I'm back to having no money. Pretty sure the shoes put me over my monthly budget, especially since my tax percentage mysteriously increased by 17% between my last two paychecks. I'm working on figuring out why this is; hopefully the answer involves some kind of error...
All free food today (after breakfast I suppose, but already having purchased the items makes it seem like it's free...). Bagel brunch at church this morning--I'm actually making friends!!--and dinner tonight at Sally's. Hopefully dinner conversation can include babysitting requests and winter concert ideas. I was going to go for a multicultural holiday concert but it's too difficult to find that kind of repertoire for littluns, so I'm back to the drawing board with only 2 months until the performances. Theme ideas that don't border on any religious tones anyone??
And last but certainly not least, Homecoming. Though Meghan and I could not be in Wavetown to celebrate with our fellow alumni, we did...
-Wear orange and black
-Dress Brittany in an orange Wartburg sweatshirt
-Stop in a thrift store in honor of Trinkies
-Consume orange-hued pumpkin beer
-Spend the afternoon/evening on Waverly Place
-Attend a street fair (aka Ren Faire) complete with crafts and international munchies
-Eat at the Waverly Restaurant, a local diner reminiscent of East Bremer
-Patronize a bar with discounted pitchers (including one on the house which we still can't figure out how we "earned") and orange Christmas lights
All in all a pretty successful evening, even if I was way too full from dinner to truly celebrate Oktoberfest-style... It's ok, Meghan and Brittany had enough pitchers to make up for my stubborn stomach.
When it's rainy and cold and I don't have money and thus can't really enjoy the city as much as the summer, I really miss home. Libertyville AND Waverly. I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and I can't wait to be in Illinois in December and Iowa in June/July... Although those sound impossibly far away...
Love & Hugs,
K =)
And so I'm back to having no money. Pretty sure the shoes put me over my monthly budget, especially since my tax percentage mysteriously increased by 17% between my last two paychecks. I'm working on figuring out why this is; hopefully the answer involves some kind of error...
All free food today (after breakfast I suppose, but already having purchased the items makes it seem like it's free...). Bagel brunch at church this morning--I'm actually making friends!!--and dinner tonight at Sally's. Hopefully dinner conversation can include babysitting requests and winter concert ideas. I was going to go for a multicultural holiday concert but it's too difficult to find that kind of repertoire for littluns, so I'm back to the drawing board with only 2 months until the performances. Theme ideas that don't border on any religious tones anyone??
And last but certainly not least, Homecoming. Though Meghan and I could not be in Wavetown to celebrate with our fellow alumni, we did...
-Wear orange and black
-Dress Brittany in an orange Wartburg sweatshirt
-Stop in a thrift store in honor of Trinkies
-Consume orange-hued pumpkin beer
-Spend the afternoon/evening on Waverly Place
-Attend a street fair (aka Ren Faire) complete with crafts and international munchies
-Eat at the Waverly Restaurant, a local diner reminiscent of East Bremer
-Patronize a bar with discounted pitchers (including one on the house which we still can't figure out how we "earned") and orange Christmas lights
All in all a pretty successful evening, even if I was way too full from dinner to truly celebrate Oktoberfest-style... It's ok, Meghan and Brittany had enough pitchers to make up for my stubborn stomach.
When it's rainy and cold and I don't have money and thus can't really enjoy the city as much as the summer, I really miss home. Libertyville AND Waverly. I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and I can't wait to be in Illinois in December and Iowa in June/July... Although those sound impossibly far away...
Love & Hugs,
K =)
Monday, October 12, 2009
A beautiful day to be in love... with New York =)
Central Park. It's all about Central Park. No matter how many times I go there to sit or walk or run, it never fails to put me in a better mood. First jog in a month and a half and it was just lovely, despite brisk(er) air and barely any foliage change yet. It's fun to be here in autumn--my favorite season anyway--and see what the city is like "at rest"... No tourists, no major festivities... This afternoon the park was full of natives with their scarves and dogs and warm beverages. Ok, maybe there were some tourists on bikes who couldn't figure out that bikes ride in the lanes with the other bikes, not the lanes with the runners. Wheels, feet, what's the difference...
This weekend was one of the best "normal" weekends I've had in a long time. Productive every single day--a little bit more glueing and cutting tonight and I'll have finished everything I wanted to accomplish over the four days! Highlights include:
Creating a lot of fun printouts for lessons and bulletin boards. My printer may be out of ink now, but at least HP offers online orders free of shipping!
Reconnecting with the magical world of Elmo over babysitting.
Yet another wonderful sermon at All Souls... one of those with affirming sentence after affirming sentence.
A packed but successful Sunday afternoon of errands. I now have a whole bunch more school supplies... And two pairs of flats. That's right, FLATS. Target prices padded the shock a little (though not the heels).
Seeing a three year-old on the subway hitched up criss-cross applesauce in a seat with a look on his face that alternated between pensive and jaded. Then he fell asleep in his mom's lap.
Getting a bargain on a huge bag of what may be the best almonds I've ever had. It's as though they're infused with vanilla extract... Delicious.
Baking banana muffins for the custodians. They don't need to know I made 28 when I bring in 20. Or that I consumed 29 and 30 in batter volume.
Love, Hugs, and Banana Muffins!
Kate =)
PS: Much thanks for the multiple "Your classroom is so you!" comments. It wasn't what I was going for, but I suppose it makes sense as I'm the one who decorated the room... =)
This weekend was one of the best "normal" weekends I've had in a long time. Productive every single day--a little bit more glueing and cutting tonight and I'll have finished everything I wanted to accomplish over the four days! Highlights include:
Creating a lot of fun printouts for lessons and bulletin boards. My printer may be out of ink now, but at least HP offers online orders free of shipping!
Reconnecting with the magical world of Elmo over babysitting.
Yet another wonderful sermon at All Souls... one of those with affirming sentence after affirming sentence.
A packed but successful Sunday afternoon of errands. I now have a whole bunch more school supplies... And two pairs of flats. That's right, FLATS. Target prices padded the shock a little (though not the heels).
Seeing a three year-old on the subway hitched up criss-cross applesauce in a seat with a look on his face that alternated between pensive and jaded. Then he fell asleep in his mom's lap.
Getting a bargain on a huge bag of what may be the best almonds I've ever had. It's as though they're infused with vanilla extract... Delicious.
Baking banana muffins for the custodians. They don't need to know I made 28 when I bring in 20. Or that I consumed 29 and 30 in batter volume.
Love, Hugs, and Banana Muffins!
Kate =)
PS: Much thanks for the multiple "Your classroom is so you!" comments. It wasn't what I was going for, but I suppose it makes sense as I'm the one who decorated the room... =)
Friday, October 9, 2009
My Classroom! ...After the link =)
Ok so Facebook won the upload race:
(Sorry it won't let you click on it...)
I entered 458 student names into my computer today. A few things I realized and/or remembered:
*I have 458 students, not the previously projected 600. Still a lot.
*I have a Randy Jackson.
*I have a Jaylynn Hernandez and Jalynn Hernandez in the same class. They go by "1" and "2". Awesome.
*The letter Z will never again be that key that my pinky can never quite find the first time... Not after typing hundreds of last names of Hispanic origin.
*There are too many parents willing to have their children's first and last names rhyme.
*I can envision faces for a good percentage of names!!!
Sleep now.
(Sorry it won't let you click on it...)
I entered 458 student names into my computer today. A few things I realized and/or remembered:
*I have 458 students, not the previously projected 600. Still a lot.
*I have a Randy Jackson.
*I have a Jaylynn Hernandez and Jalynn Hernandez in the same class. They go by "1" and "2". Awesome.
*The letter Z will never again be that key that my pinky can never quite find the first time... Not after typing hundreds of last names of Hispanic origin.
*There are too many parents willing to have their children's first and last names rhyme.
*I can envision faces for a good percentage of names!!!
Sleep now.
Stray Thoughts
An organized apartment facilitates a (slightly more) organized mind.
A refrigerator cannot be to blame for 3 out of 4 yogurts being spoiled 3 days after purchase. I'm lookin' at you, Fine Fare. Don't make me go to C-Town for dairy...
I always forget how much I love grapes.
I think I watch Modern Family in part to vicariously continue suburban living. Also, it's pretty hilarious.
I think I wear Wartburg sweatshirts and fleece jackets to vicariously continue college living, especially since everything about fall reminds me of Iowa.
I have no subway this weekend. Or the two after that. My station better look freakin' spectacular in November, Metropolitan Transit Authority.
No matter what add-ins I mix with macaroni and cheese, nothing beats plain.
Our country is in bad shape when our President wins a Nobel Peace Prize (deserved yet?) and my first reaction is not joy but wincing anticipation of the backlash. Love love love... please??
Pam Halpert. Nuff said.
My boss awarded my school "Best October Bulletin Boards So Far", which is a little embarrassing considering I'm putting up my October bulletin boards next week...
Love, Hugs, and Classroom Pictures in the next post!!
K =)
A refrigerator cannot be to blame for 3 out of 4 yogurts being spoiled 3 days after purchase. I'm lookin' at you, Fine Fare. Don't make me go to C-Town for dairy...
I always forget how much I love grapes.
I think I watch Modern Family in part to vicariously continue suburban living. Also, it's pretty hilarious.
I think I wear Wartburg sweatshirts and fleece jackets to vicariously continue college living, especially since everything about fall reminds me of Iowa.
I have no subway this weekend. Or the two after that. My station better look freakin' spectacular in November, Metropolitan Transit Authority.
No matter what add-ins I mix with macaroni and cheese, nothing beats plain.
Our country is in bad shape when our President wins a Nobel Peace Prize (deserved yet?) and my first reaction is not joy but wincing anticipation of the backlash. Love love love... please??
Pam Halpert. Nuff said.
My boss awarded my school "Best October Bulletin Boards So Far", which is a little embarrassing considering I'm putting up my October bulletin boards next week...
Love, Hugs, and Classroom Pictures in the next post!!
K =)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Should I be this busy if I only work 4 days a week?
No. Probably not. But oh well.
Another crazy week at school... successful lessons, successful observation even though my supervisor came during the nuttiest self-contained behavior disorder class... victory! Been going a little crazy trying to prepare individual (read: 600) pre-assessments for all my students for the entire year... How do you assess 600 students on 25 benchmarks in one week? Without making copies? Personal printer and ink. And scratch paper and pencil. A little stressed out because assessments will take up about 2/3 of each class period so my lesson content is basically extending last week's content and I like to have fresh activities and content every week... But next week will be better. And I'll have 4 days to prepare (thanks Columbus!). Along with new bulletin boards and entering assessment data and developing a concert program. Good thing Meghan's on a retreat!
I say that because all my city fun lately has been with Meghan and Brittany. I probs wouldn't go out at all these days if not for them, so I'm simultaneously grateful and money-anxious and a little generally anxious even though I shouldn't be. But now I might be babysitting more regularly (charter school fell through) and I think I get to keep a lot more of my paycheck after taxes than I had originally thought. I continue to survive off the lowest possible amount it takes to sustain NYC living. I won't know what to do with all the extra money if I ever get hired by the Dept of Ed!!
I do feel a little better now that I'm beginning to establish communities out here. As I've mentioned before, I'm slowly getting to know my teachers--although it's unlikely those relationships will transcend school walls. But more and more time spent with the UU Young Adults is certainly helping to develop relationships. Wednesday night Meghan, Brittany, and I went to a Food & Fellowship night with (free!) dinner and a lovely group discussion on faith ideologies and questions that arise from them. Today we went out with the sameish group for brunch, and although a little spendy, I did meet someone who went to school with my cousin. And that's awesome.
I think I need to exercise more regularly. But I don't have the time. But I am paying for a gym membership. Oh, life.
=) KP
Another crazy week at school... successful lessons, successful observation even though my supervisor came during the nuttiest self-contained behavior disorder class... victory! Been going a little crazy trying to prepare individual (read: 600) pre-assessments for all my students for the entire year... How do you assess 600 students on 25 benchmarks in one week? Without making copies? Personal printer and ink. And scratch paper and pencil. A little stressed out because assessments will take up about 2/3 of each class period so my lesson content is basically extending last week's content and I like to have fresh activities and content every week... But next week will be better. And I'll have 4 days to prepare (thanks Columbus!). Along with new bulletin boards and entering assessment data and developing a concert program. Good thing Meghan's on a retreat!
I say that because all my city fun lately has been with Meghan and Brittany. I probs wouldn't go out at all these days if not for them, so I'm simultaneously grateful and money-anxious and a little generally anxious even though I shouldn't be. But now I might be babysitting more regularly (charter school fell through) and I think I get to keep a lot more of my paycheck after taxes than I had originally thought. I continue to survive off the lowest possible amount it takes to sustain NYC living. I won't know what to do with all the extra money if I ever get hired by the Dept of Ed!!
I do feel a little better now that I'm beginning to establish communities out here. As I've mentioned before, I'm slowly getting to know my teachers--although it's unlikely those relationships will transcend school walls. But more and more time spent with the UU Young Adults is certainly helping to develop relationships. Wednesday night Meghan, Brittany, and I went to a Food & Fellowship night with (free!) dinner and a lovely group discussion on faith ideologies and questions that arise from them. Today we went out with the sameish group for brunch, and although a little spendy, I did meet someone who went to school with my cousin. And that's awesome.
I think I need to exercise more regularly. But I don't have the time. But I am paying for a gym membership. Oh, life.
=) KP
Monday, September 28, 2009
Compartmentalizing the week
Let's break it down into life categories this week...
LOVING it. First week of full, distinct grade lessons with pre-assessment and teaching objectives... That may not sound fun to you, but I'm enjoying getting to the core of what I'm here to do! The kids are about where I expected them to be, but it's nice to know for sure where they are and what skills need work. The first class of every grade unfortunately is tending to draw the short straw; I make fantastic changes after I see what went well/wrong in the first section =) We'll fix that.
Also, I might have a Friday job! There's a charter school that operates out of the same building as my public school and they don't have a music teacher this year... but the principal approached me about working Fridays for her students!! The school is only K-2 so far so I'd probably be able to squeeze them all into a day. And I could double on lessons. And instruments. And classroom. Waiting for ETM's approval, but even if they can't take on another partner school I may still be able to work for the charter if they have enough flex budget... we'll see!!
Taking care of an apartment is tiresome work. Today (no school--thanks Judaism!) I cleaned and swept and did (am doing--just got one load in) laundry all day in addition to finishing up lesson plans. And I still want to exercise tonight... we'll see if that happens based on when another washer frees up for load #2... Additionally, I've had pleasant, VERBAL exchanges with several neighbors today. Who says you never meet your neighbors in New York? =)
Meghan had quite the birthday weekend!! We went out 3 nights in a row with varying degrees of partying intensity. Add one more sunrise evening to the list =) In other news I will not be spending any more money on fun until at least November.
Commute (might as well get its own category--at least 10 hours/week!)
I love crosswords now. Also, just finished "The Handmaid's Tale"--EXCELLENT read!! One of those "Oh man I really want to finish this, but wait--that means there's no more book to read! Must put down... Must read..." books. Highly recommended.
Love & Hugs,
Kate =)
LOVING it. First week of full, distinct grade lessons with pre-assessment and teaching objectives... That may not sound fun to you, but I'm enjoying getting to the core of what I'm here to do! The kids are about where I expected them to be, but it's nice to know for sure where they are and what skills need work. The first class of every grade unfortunately is tending to draw the short straw; I make fantastic changes after I see what went well/wrong in the first section =) We'll fix that.
Also, I might have a Friday job! There's a charter school that operates out of the same building as my public school and they don't have a music teacher this year... but the principal approached me about working Fridays for her students!! The school is only K-2 so far so I'd probably be able to squeeze them all into a day. And I could double on lessons. And instruments. And classroom. Waiting for ETM's approval, but even if they can't take on another partner school I may still be able to work for the charter if they have enough flex budget... we'll see!!
Taking care of an apartment is tiresome work. Today (no school--thanks Judaism!) I cleaned and swept and did (am doing--just got one load in) laundry all day in addition to finishing up lesson plans. And I still want to exercise tonight... we'll see if that happens based on when another washer frees up for load #2... Additionally, I've had pleasant, VERBAL exchanges with several neighbors today. Who says you never meet your neighbors in New York? =)
Meghan had quite the birthday weekend!! We went out 3 nights in a row with varying degrees of partying intensity. Add one more sunrise evening to the list =) In other news I will not be spending any more money on fun until at least November.
Commute (might as well get its own category--at least 10 hours/week!)
I love crosswords now. Also, just finished "The Handmaid's Tale"--EXCELLENT read!! One of those "Oh man I really want to finish this, but wait--that means there's no more book to read! Must put down... Must read..." books. Highly recommended.
Love & Hugs,
Kate =)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Cookies, Take Two
Apparently it is not enough to simply offer cookies. They must be left out on a plate in the main office for a full day. Cookies gone. I even got a "That was you who brought those? Just for that I'm bringing you that ladder first thing tomorrow morning" from the custodian. Now, if you've followed this blog for any length of time, you know as well as I do that there may or may not actually be a ladder in my room any time tomorrow. But at least they've been bribed.
Also, I feel a greater sense of familiarity with the teachers now... the lack of a teacher's lounge for mingling certainly doesn't help with getting to know people, but at least they come to class with their kids so they get to know me a little. I say hi to them in the halls now, and I think I have most of their names down.
Also, the KIDS!! Since I arrive and leave school roughly when they do and am frequently in the halls tracking down late classes (and ones that, for lack of a sub, don't exist for the day because their students have been split up into other classes--insane!), I get a lot of face time with kids outside of class. They all call out my name and wave and hug when they can... not altogether astonishing (FYI elementary kids like attention), but encouraging nonetheless. =)
Also, I'm addicted to almonds as an afterschool snack. Craving food high in natural fats means...?
Also, I've been using "Also" a lot lately. Oh Dwight...
Love, Hugs, and Funfetti Cookies!
KP =)
Apparently it is not enough to simply offer cookies. They must be left out on a plate in the main office for a full day. Cookies gone. I even got a "That was you who brought those? Just for that I'm bringing you that ladder first thing tomorrow morning" from the custodian. Now, if you've followed this blog for any length of time, you know as well as I do that there may or may not actually be a ladder in my room any time tomorrow. But at least they've been bribed.
Also, I feel a greater sense of familiarity with the teachers now... the lack of a teacher's lounge for mingling certainly doesn't help with getting to know people, but at least they come to class with their kids so they get to know me a little. I say hi to them in the halls now, and I think I have most of their names down.
Also, the KIDS!! Since I arrive and leave school roughly when they do and am frequently in the halls tracking down late classes (and ones that, for lack of a sub, don't exist for the day because their students have been split up into other classes--insane!), I get a lot of face time with kids outside of class. They all call out my name and wave and hug when they can... not altogether astonishing (FYI elementary kids like attention), but encouraging nonetheless. =)
Also, I'm addicted to almonds as an afterschool snack. Craving food high in natural fats means...?
Also, I've been using "Also" a lot lately. Oh Dwight...
Love, Hugs, and Funfetti Cookies!
KP =)
Friday, September 18, 2009
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills...
Though I spent 6 (unpaid) hours at school today, I accomplished very little. Why? Because it seems everything and anything related to the New York City Department of Education and its school system comes up a day late and a dollar short.
Exhibit A: Teaching License
Arrives! In September. 3 months after it's of any use for this school year...
Exhibit B: Class Schedule
It's made! Less than 12 hours before school starts. And it's got a lot of conflicts...
Exhibit C: Custodial Help
They finally filled my request! 4 hours after I made it. And not accurately enough to complete this project... Examples include finally unlocking a closet filled with musical instruments but failing to have time to help move any of said instruments (keyboards are a two-person job), finally arriving to slice off a lock to another closet only to interrupt a class period, finally delivering a ladder that is 3 feet shorter than I need to hang up posters. And seriously, none of these half-results occurred within 4 hours of the initial request. None.
So we'll see what gets done this year. The good news is I have all my instruments but keyboards, I have a good amount of posters up (although none higher than 6 feet), and everyone is friendly enough. Although no one ate any of the two dozen cookies I made for and offered to them today. Who are these people, and how am I going to eat 2 dozen funfetti cookies?? (If you book a flight now, you are welcome to share them with me =)
Also, I woke up late yesterday morning due to a faulty alarm clock battery--7:00 is the time I leave, not the time I frantically brush my teeth and assemble my belongings--and broke a flip-flop today. Good thing I can get ready in 8 minutes (new record!) and that Old Navy's on my route home. And that they had one--ONE--pair of flip-flops in my size. That happened to be the color of the ones I broke (white, FYI). Also, free bagel lunch today and wonderful Office premiere yesterday. I remain glass three-quarters full. I have to.
=) Kate
Exhibit A: Teaching License
Arrives! In September. 3 months after it's of any use for this school year...
Exhibit B: Class Schedule
It's made! Less than 12 hours before school starts. And it's got a lot of conflicts...
Exhibit C: Custodial Help
They finally filled my request! 4 hours after I made it. And not accurately enough to complete this project... Examples include finally unlocking a closet filled with musical instruments but failing to have time to help move any of said instruments (keyboards are a two-person job), finally arriving to slice off a lock to another closet only to interrupt a class period, finally delivering a ladder that is 3 feet shorter than I need to hang up posters. And seriously, none of these half-results occurred within 4 hours of the initial request. None.
So we'll see what gets done this year. The good news is I have all my instruments but keyboards, I have a good amount of posters up (although none higher than 6 feet), and everyone is friendly enough. Although no one ate any of the two dozen cookies I made for and offered to them today. Who are these people, and how am I going to eat 2 dozen funfetti cookies?? (If you book a flight now, you are welcome to share them with me =)
Also, I woke up late yesterday morning due to a faulty alarm clock battery--7:00 is the time I leave, not the time I frantically brush my teeth and assemble my belongings--and broke a flip-flop today. Good thing I can get ready in 8 minutes (new record!) and that Old Navy's on my route home. And that they had one--ONE--pair of flip-flops in my size. That happened to be the color of the ones I broke (white, FYI). Also, free bagel lunch today and wonderful Office premiere yesterday. I remain glass three-quarters full. I have to.
=) Kate
Monday, September 14, 2009
That was easy!
But it could have been a lot harder!
First day of school ever done forever. Still winding down from the day but overall pleased with the way things went. It took a few periods to fully reconnect with teacher instincts and rhythm but by the end of the day I had things down. I have a very busy schedule--but let's not ignore the accomplishment of possessing a schedule itself. That I received last night. And then another one this morning that strategically avoided 9:00 lunch breaks. Great news bears.
Things I learned today:
*Curly hair means pretty teacher.
*Pre-Kindergarteners have no idea how to sing? (We'll fix that.)
*All classroom teachers are equal, but some classroom teachers are better at classroom management than others. HUGE effect on my classroom management.
*It's not easy to put a kid in time out on Day 1. But you gotta do whatcha gotta do.
*Commuting up and down 4 flights of stairs all day wears out feet. Also, dehydration. (Office is back this week! =)
*Must snap out of teacher mode on public transportation. I almost broke up a pre-teen near-fist fight on a bus but then thought better. And then moved.
Still no instruments, still no ETM-provided posters. Working on it.
Love, Hugs, and TEACHING MUSIC!!
=) K
But it could have been a lot harder!
First day of school ever done forever. Still winding down from the day but overall pleased with the way things went. It took a few periods to fully reconnect with teacher instincts and rhythm but by the end of the day I had things down. I have a very busy schedule--but let's not ignore the accomplishment of possessing a schedule itself. That I received last night. And then another one this morning that strategically avoided 9:00 lunch breaks. Great news bears.
Things I learned today:
*Curly hair means pretty teacher.
*Pre-Kindergarteners have no idea how to sing? (We'll fix that.)
*All classroom teachers are equal, but some classroom teachers are better at classroom management than others. HUGE effect on my classroom management.
*It's not easy to put a kid in time out on Day 1. But you gotta do whatcha gotta do.
*Commuting up and down 4 flights of stairs all day wears out feet. Also, dehydration. (Office is back this week! =)
*Must snap out of teacher mode on public transportation. I almost broke up a pre-teen near-fist fight on a bus but then thought better. And then moved.
Still no instruments, still no ETM-provided posters. Working on it.
Love, Hugs, and TEACHING MUSIC!!
=) K
Friday, September 11, 2009
So in reviewing last night's post I discovered I took on a much angrier tone than I intended in discussing music teacher qualifications and DOE expectations... Apparently the stress of not having one's classroom together plus long days and commutes plus an increasingly noisy upstairs neighbor puts on a bit of an edge... Apologies all around.
Mostly the situation of the musically deficient music teacher is more sad--sobering--than anything else. It's frustrating that the system would allow music teachers with little to no proficiencies into music classrooms with young, inexperienced, impressionable children eager to absorb whatever the music teacher sets forth as information and demonstration. It's sad that no one has told this woman that she probably shouldn't be a music teacher. I'm reminded of the plights of poor John Stevens or Sanjaya Malakar--it's not their fault that a panel of judges and a dumb voting public enabled their lackluster selves into the upper parts of the final 12... Their first, last, and only decision in the whole process was auditioning.
Omg this neighbor... I don't understand why anyone needs to watch what sounds to be news this frickin loud... Earplugs and moving my pillow haven't worked; trying fan as white noise tonight although it's rather cold. I'm giving this chump until Tuesday, then it's going down.
=) Kate
Mostly the situation of the musically deficient music teacher is more sad--sobering--than anything else. It's frustrating that the system would allow music teachers with little to no proficiencies into music classrooms with young, inexperienced, impressionable children eager to absorb whatever the music teacher sets forth as information and demonstration. It's sad that no one has told this woman that she probably shouldn't be a music teacher. I'm reminded of the plights of poor John Stevens or Sanjaya Malakar--it's not their fault that a panel of judges and a dumb voting public enabled their lackluster selves into the upper parts of the final 12... Their first, last, and only decision in the whole process was auditioning.
Omg this neighbor... I don't understand why anyone needs to watch what sounds to be news this frickin loud... Earplugs and moving my pillow haven't worked; trying fan as white noise tonight although it's rather cold. I'm giving this chump until Tuesday, then it's going down.
=) Kate
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Trivia and a rant. And a sunrise.
Facts you may or may not have known about New York City:
*People use the word "piggyback" frequently in conversation. As in, "To piggyback on that idea..." etc. I've heard it at least 2 dozen times in the past month, 4 times in the past 2 days.
*People use the term "bad news bears" frequently in conversation. Great news bears.
*9pm is domino hour on the streets of Inwood. Like, middle-aged men play dominoes on folding tables they set up on street corners.
*Ceilings and floors are paper thin. My upstairs neighbor watches the news, listens to heavy-bass hip-hop music, and may or may not play video games with machine gun sounds. Interesting fellow. I just wish he weren't so interesting at 1 in the morning...
*It's possible to lug around a guitar and a bag full of poster board through public transportation and not totally smoke everyone who comes in one's path. That may say more about my commuting skills than New York City.
*The Department of Education doesn't screen their music teachers for musical proficiency. Allow me to elaborate.
Our training days include a number of DOE (Dept of Ed) music teachers that are either co-teaching with ETM hires at our partner schools (schools with at least one ETM teaching artist) or working at schools formerly supported by ETM (who no longer need an ETM teaching artist because they finally got the DOE to give them a music teacher). Anyway. Many of these DOE teachers are just as competent as the rest of us--not to toot any horns but ETM is proud to be fairly selective in their hiring, and why wouldn't a music education organization?--but some... well... one...
Today I sat next to a DOE teacher who has been teaching PreK-1 at partner school new this year to ETM. They've hired a fabulous teacher for 2-5, but I will say that she definitely has her work cut out for her... The DOE teacher cannot match pitch (read: if tone deafness exists she's got it), cannot conduct a 4-beat pattern even with one-on-one instruction from four different people, cannot handle a guitar to save her life (guitars are hard to figure out at first... but not as hard as she makes it). Of course her incompetency reflects poorly on her own training (if she even has any credentials), but it seems that ultimately it reflects most poorly on the NYC DOE. How did this woman get hired??? Not every music teacher is going to be exceptionally proficient at every musical skill, but without the ability to sing, play a simple instrument, or display any semblance of coordination, she's going to have a tough time providing anything useful for her students. Littluns especially need superb modeling to assist in developing the foundation for the rest of their music education...
It's easy to second guess the situation and fall back on warm fuzzy excuses like "Well she must really be passionate about music" or "She must really connect well with the students". In reality, however, it IS important that a music teacher be a good if not great musician. Teachers who teach reading know how to read. Teachers who teach math know how to perform arithematic. Ridic.
But I digress... back to the illumination of little-known NYC.
*Sometimes waking up at 5:45am for an hour plus commute isn't so bad...

*People use the word "piggyback" frequently in conversation. As in, "To piggyback on that idea..." etc. I've heard it at least 2 dozen times in the past month, 4 times in the past 2 days.
*People use the term "bad news bears" frequently in conversation. Great news bears.
*9pm is domino hour on the streets of Inwood. Like, middle-aged men play dominoes on folding tables they set up on street corners.
*Ceilings and floors are paper thin. My upstairs neighbor watches the news, listens to heavy-bass hip-hop music, and may or may not play video games with machine gun sounds. Interesting fellow. I just wish he weren't so interesting at 1 in the morning...
*It's possible to lug around a guitar and a bag full of poster board through public transportation and not totally smoke everyone who comes in one's path. That may say more about my commuting skills than New York City.
*The Department of Education doesn't screen their music teachers for musical proficiency. Allow me to elaborate.
Our training days include a number of DOE (Dept of Ed) music teachers that are either co-teaching with ETM hires at our partner schools (schools with at least one ETM teaching artist) or working at schools formerly supported by ETM (who no longer need an ETM teaching artist because they finally got the DOE to give them a music teacher). Anyway. Many of these DOE teachers are just as competent as the rest of us--not to toot any horns but ETM is proud to be fairly selective in their hiring, and why wouldn't a music education organization?--but some... well... one...
Today I sat next to a DOE teacher who has been teaching PreK-1 at partner school new this year to ETM. They've hired a fabulous teacher for 2-5, but I will say that she definitely has her work cut out for her... The DOE teacher cannot match pitch (read: if tone deafness exists she's got it), cannot conduct a 4-beat pattern even with one-on-one instruction from four different people, cannot handle a guitar to save her life (guitars are hard to figure out at first... but not as hard as she makes it). Of course her incompetency reflects poorly on her own training (if she even has any credentials), but it seems that ultimately it reflects most poorly on the NYC DOE. How did this woman get hired??? Not every music teacher is going to be exceptionally proficient at every musical skill, but without the ability to sing, play a simple instrument, or display any semblance of coordination, she's going to have a tough time providing anything useful for her students. Littluns especially need superb modeling to assist in developing the foundation for the rest of their music education...
It's easy to second guess the situation and fall back on warm fuzzy excuses like "Well she must really be passionate about music" or "She must really connect well with the students". In reality, however, it IS important that a music teacher be a good if not great musician. Teachers who teach reading know how to read. Teachers who teach math know how to perform arithematic. Ridic.
But I digress... back to the illumination of little-known NYC.
*Sometimes waking up at 5:45am for an hour plus commute isn't so bad...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Work in Progress... minus the progress...
Take that Wednesday, Tuesday won this blog war.
Today was my first official day as a teacher. No kids until Monday, but I got to sit through professional development that didn't apply to me (never will) and get down to the hardcore setup of my classroom. Kind of.
As mentioned previously, my room acted as storage for basically the whole school this summer. Extra furniture is allegedly being "taken care of" by the time Monday rolls around. "Ok, so if your room was storage, then clearly you at least have everything you need in the classroom," you might respond. False. No, friends, instruments are stored in a closet no one will access until later this week and music-themed decorations are in a closet (in my very room even) with a lock no one will slice open until later this week. Oh, and have I mentioned I'm not there later this week? That this was my one and only day to set up? I'm already anticipating a lump of instruments and a cascade of closet materials cluttering my room upon my arrival Monday. Welcome to music, kids...
In other news I do like being part of a school community, even if I'm not really an employee and everyone's too busy to tell me what the hell is going on. Although I did receive a school tour--unexpected and definitely helpful!! I <3 my assistant principal, way nice.
So I spent 9 working hours at school today, will get paid for 6, didn't take a lunch break until 3, and still have to get down to the main office some time to press out more die-cut letters for bulletin boards I didn't even know were mine until today. By about October, I expect my classroom and instructional organization to rock. But let's not expect anything grand until then.
Then I exercised (I was on a roll!), skyped with my Malaysian friend Ellen (so she's not actually Malaysian...), conference called Meghan into the action, and now am feeling suddenly exhausted. Every time I feel that way I remember the time my junior high French teacher explained to us that there are some words in French for which there is no English cognate. Her example: there is no single English word to indicate sudden exhaustion. Alors, je suis fatiguée.
Today was my first official day as a teacher. No kids until Monday, but I got to sit through professional development that didn't apply to me (never will) and get down to the hardcore setup of my classroom. Kind of.
As mentioned previously, my room acted as storage for basically the whole school this summer. Extra furniture is allegedly being "taken care of" by the time Monday rolls around. "Ok, so if your room was storage, then clearly you at least have everything you need in the classroom," you might respond. False. No, friends, instruments are stored in a closet no one will access until later this week and music-themed decorations are in a closet (in my very room even) with a lock no one will slice open until later this week. Oh, and have I mentioned I'm not there later this week? That this was my one and only day to set up? I'm already anticipating a lump of instruments and a cascade of closet materials cluttering my room upon my arrival Monday. Welcome to music, kids...
In other news I do like being part of a school community, even if I'm not really an employee and everyone's too busy to tell me what the hell is going on. Although I did receive a school tour--unexpected and definitely helpful!! I <3 my assistant principal, way nice.
So I spent 9 working hours at school today, will get paid for 6, didn't take a lunch break until 3, and still have to get down to the main office some time to press out more die-cut letters for bulletin boards I didn't even know were mine until today. By about October, I expect my classroom and instructional organization to rock. But let's not expect anything grand until then.
Then I exercised (I was on a roll!), skyped with my Malaysian friend Ellen (so she's not actually Malaysian...), conference called Meghan into the action, and now am feeling suddenly exhausted. Every time I feel that way I remember the time my junior high French teacher explained to us that there are some words in French for which there is no English cognate. Her example: there is no single English word to indicate sudden exhaustion. Alors, je suis fatiguée.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Not being able to think of a good title probs spells trouble for the post...
Apparently blog inspiration only hits on Wednesdays and Sundays... or maybe those are the days that most frequently entertain boredom...
Meghan is here! We spent the last few days indulging in free and cheap NYC--success! Proudest accomplishment: receiving the equivalent of 2 beers and a personal pizza all for $6. PS: I kind of like beer now.
We visited my classroom Thursday... The room is huge, and clearly this fact has not escaped school administrators/custodians who have thusly used the space as a catch-all storage center for the summer. I have twice as many chairs, tables, chalkboards, and filing cabinets as I need, along with 4 computers (out of 4) that don't work. For whatever reason, the powers that be elected that the MUSIC supplies--a keyboard lab of 20 units and various other large and small classroom instruments--be stored in a closet down the hall behind piles and piles of general classroom teacher materials that won't be distributed until Tuesday. In general, I have my work cut out for me.
Tuesday will be spent in orientation and professional development meetings in the morning and classroom assembly in the afternoon. Between having to switch all my extra furniture for things that actually belong in a music classroom, decorating the walls with supplies to which I may or may not have access ("We'll either find you the key to that closet or slice off the lock..."), and putting up bulletin boards, it'll be a full afternoon. The first week of lessons may involve a lot of imaginative visualization of a nice-looking classroom...
I am a New York State Certified Teacher. Several months late and several dollars short, but good news for next year.
Continuing to carve out potential community... Meghan and I attended a young adult brunch after UU service today and met a lot of really nice people! Some slightly more awkward than others, but overall a nice bunch. =)
Meghan is here! We spent the last few days indulging in free and cheap NYC--success! Proudest accomplishment: receiving the equivalent of 2 beers and a personal pizza all for $6. PS: I kind of like beer now.
We visited my classroom Thursday... The room is huge, and clearly this fact has not escaped school administrators/custodians who have thusly used the space as a catch-all storage center for the summer. I have twice as many chairs, tables, chalkboards, and filing cabinets as I need, along with 4 computers (out of 4) that don't work. For whatever reason, the powers that be elected that the MUSIC supplies--a keyboard lab of 20 units and various other large and small classroom instruments--be stored in a closet down the hall behind piles and piles of general classroom teacher materials that won't be distributed until Tuesday. In general, I have my work cut out for me.
Tuesday will be spent in orientation and professional development meetings in the morning and classroom assembly in the afternoon. Between having to switch all my extra furniture for things that actually belong in a music classroom, decorating the walls with supplies to which I may or may not have access ("We'll either find you the key to that closet or slice off the lock..."), and putting up bulletin boards, it'll be a full afternoon. The first week of lessons may involve a lot of imaginative visualization of a nice-looking classroom...
I am a New York State Certified Teacher. Several months late and several dollars short, but good news for next year.
Continuing to carve out potential community... Meghan and I attended a young adult brunch after UU service today and met a lot of really nice people! Some slightly more awkward than others, but overall a nice bunch. =)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Blurbs beat paragraphs
For some reason whenever I start typing in this box my brain tells me, "Look at all this space! You need to fill it with lots of words!" and I wax longwinded. Blurbs are more fun. So I present to you, in no particular order, a collection of status updates stored in my head over the last week but never published--until now!! =)
Kate Phillips...
didn't know broccoli could go so rotten so quickly.
singlehandedly fixed the leak in her fridge. Until the next time she changes the cold setting.
is fairly certain she does not have bedbugs but rather gnats. ...Hooray?...
walked from 91st St & 5th Ave to her apartment (Thayer & Broadway) in her least comfortable flip-flops simply because it was nice outside. Look it up, you'll understand why she currently is sporting blisters and achy quads.
went all New York on her upstairs neighbor with a pension for watching loud TV late at night by knocking on his door and requesting the volume be turned down at 1am. Then she went all Midwest and wrote a thank you note.
is super pumped for MEGHAN to come this afternoon!!
gets to visit her school tomorrow and hopefully rope MEGHAN into being her roadie/assistant mule...
loves Central Park under a cloudless blue sky. Or any sky, really. But particularly those without clouds.
smells Wartburg in fall weather. And misses it a little.
loves you all--come visit soon! Or at least call =)
<3 KP
Kate Phillips...
didn't know broccoli could go so rotten so quickly.
singlehandedly fixed the leak in her fridge. Until the next time she changes the cold setting.
is fairly certain she does not have bedbugs but rather gnats. ...Hooray?...
walked from 91st St & 5th Ave to her apartment (Thayer & Broadway) in her least comfortable flip-flops simply because it was nice outside. Look it up, you'll understand why she currently is sporting blisters and achy quads.
went all New York on her upstairs neighbor with a pension for watching loud TV late at night by knocking on his door and requesting the volume be turned down at 1am. Then she went all Midwest and wrote a thank you note.
is super pumped for MEGHAN to come this afternoon!!
gets to visit her school tomorrow and hopefully rope MEGHAN into being her roadie/assistant mule...
loves Central Park under a cloudless blue sky. Or any sky, really. But particularly those without clouds.
smells Wartburg in fall weather. And misses it a little.
loves you all--come visit soon! Or at least call =)
<3 KP
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Goodnight, sleep tight...
I really like this moderate summer thing... Turns out when it's not 97 degrees or rainy, the outdoors can be quite nice this time of year! Today's events included reading in Central Park, an hour-long walk through Fort Tryon Park and the Cloisters (5 minutes from my apartment!), and journal writing on my balcony (read: fire escape). Beautiful skies and sun and breezes... I could use a few more weeks of nothing to do but enjoy days like these!
And indeed, enjoying days like these means I'm finally over the initial relocation stress. I'm sure there will be recurring bouts, like when I go to pay rent and things like that, but for now I'm settled and at peace and enjoying New York again. A good mental space to be in considering I may or may not have a leaking fridge (it's been good for the past 24 hours; I may have fixed it...), a cockroach or two (no big thing, it's New York), and... bedbugs.
I really hope I don't have bedbugs. I really hope my itchy, eaten-up legs are from the outdoors (doubtful as I've not had much contact with it lately because of aforementioned weather issues) or an unexpected reaction to my regular bath products or a newly acquired allergy to my own sweat or anything that doesn't require an exterminator. I really hope I don't have bedbugs.
My "last week of freedom" is looking to be a very busy one... breakfast with Sally tomorrow (PS she is the best possible friend one could have in this city--day visits, evenings of food and drink and game, fun restaurant recs, psychological support from a fellow transplant), dinner with Tork Tuesday, Meghan comes Wednesday (!!!), and sometime this week I would like to get into my school to meet my principal and unload Round 1 of materials... Still haven't decided on the most efficient way to get a tub full of instruments and a too-heavy box of books to the Bronx...
Love, hugs, and bedbugless thoughts!
Kate =)
And indeed, enjoying days like these means I'm finally over the initial relocation stress. I'm sure there will be recurring bouts, like when I go to pay rent and things like that, but for now I'm settled and at peace and enjoying New York again. A good mental space to be in considering I may or may not have a leaking fridge (it's been good for the past 24 hours; I may have fixed it...), a cockroach or two (no big thing, it's New York), and... bedbugs.
I really hope I don't have bedbugs. I really hope my itchy, eaten-up legs are from the outdoors (doubtful as I've not had much contact with it lately because of aforementioned weather issues) or an unexpected reaction to my regular bath products or a newly acquired allergy to my own sweat or anything that doesn't require an exterminator. I really hope I don't have bedbugs.
My "last week of freedom" is looking to be a very busy one... breakfast with Sally tomorrow (PS she is the best possible friend one could have in this city--day visits, evenings of food and drink and game, fun restaurant recs, psychological support from a fellow transplant), dinner with Tork Tuesday, Meghan comes Wednesday (!!!), and sometime this week I would like to get into my school to meet my principal and unload Round 1 of materials... Still haven't decided on the most efficient way to get a tub full of instruments and a too-heavy box of books to the Bronx...
Love, hugs, and bedbugless thoughts!
Kate =)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
I have a NY state driver's license! Not that I'll ever need it to operate a vehicle in this state...
How do I know if I have a spider bite and what actions can I take to remedy it?
Headlines on a Memorial Wall for Michael Jackson in Harlem:
We are the World!
We love you Michael!
Buy Tshirts!!
My brother is now a college student. What?
Best possible email communication to receive from Dr. Paul Torkelson:
Ok. Maybe Moroccan. I'll see. Dr. T
Russell Brand may or may not be my new celebrity crush... Unconventionally styled and wildly inappropriate? Perhaps. Frickin' brilliant? Absolutely.
I live next door to the largest dog I've ever seen. Like, so-large-he-might-as-well-be-the-sole-tenant large. Fantastic.
I <3 music educators and music education!
=) Kate
How do I know if I have a spider bite and what actions can I take to remedy it?
Headlines on a Memorial Wall for Michael Jackson in Harlem:
We are the World!
We love you Michael!
Buy Tshirts!!
My brother is now a college student. What?
Best possible email communication to receive from Dr. Paul Torkelson:
Ok. Maybe Moroccan. I'll see. Dr. T
Russell Brand may or may not be my new celebrity crush... Unconventionally styled and wildly inappropriate? Perhaps. Frickin' brilliant? Absolutely.
I live next door to the largest dog I've ever seen. Like, so-large-he-might-as-well-be-the-sole-tenant large. Fantastic.
I <3 music educators and music education!
=) Kate
Saturday, August 22, 2009
I get paid for this??
Training. Is. Awesome.
5 days of basically the best "in service" workshops a music teacher could ever ask for. Mock lessons, group discussions, TONS of resources (so far a songbook, dozens of ready-made lesson plans, a lesson planning book specifically designed for general music schedules...), and finally a community of my own!! This and next week's training is for new hires only, meaning we're all new to ETM and teaching and surprisingly most of us are recent transplants as well! That part is especially great because it's like college all over again... we're all super eager to make new friends because we don't have any!
I love love LOVE this organization, they are so supportive and knowledgeable and friendly... definitely makes up for the fact I'm making about 2/3 of a Dept of Ed salary... still looking for that Friday job... But we do in fact get paid for training, despite the fact we all feel we somehow should be paying for all these great resources and opportunities. I guess that's the teaching part.
It's fiiiiiinally cooled down a little, thanks to recent thunderstorms. It's just been so unimaginably hot, and with no AC it's stressful sometimes. Or all the time. But in time I will appreciate the utilities savings I suppose. Fans and no screens on the windows and refrigerated water and tank tops have been rather helpful, many thanks.
Good news bears: Spinach and feta combined make for some delicious meals.
Great news bears: I found a penny in the bottom of my grocery bag today.
Love & Hugs!
5 days of basically the best "in service" workshops a music teacher could ever ask for. Mock lessons, group discussions, TONS of resources (so far a songbook, dozens of ready-made lesson plans, a lesson planning book specifically designed for general music schedules...), and finally a community of my own!! This and next week's training is for new hires only, meaning we're all new to ETM and teaching and surprisingly most of us are recent transplants as well! That part is especially great because it's like college all over again... we're all super eager to make new friends because we don't have any!
I love love LOVE this organization, they are so supportive and knowledgeable and friendly... definitely makes up for the fact I'm making about 2/3 of a Dept of Ed salary... still looking for that Friday job... But we do in fact get paid for training, despite the fact we all feel we somehow should be paying for all these great resources and opportunities. I guess that's the teaching part.
It's fiiiiiinally cooled down a little, thanks to recent thunderstorms. It's just been so unimaginably hot, and with no AC it's stressful sometimes. Or all the time. But in time I will appreciate the utilities savings I suppose. Fans and no screens on the windows and refrigerated water and tank tops have been rather helpful, many thanks.
Good news bears: Spinach and feta combined make for some delicious meals.
Great news bears: I found a penny in the bottom of my grocery bag today.
Love & Hugs!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Fall, please
My toes are angry. They're sweaty and itchy and sprained (ok, just one) and flaky all at the same time.
I'm boiling pasta in the kitchen. Too hot, so I open the window to cool things down. There is no difference between the temperature of my stuffy kitchen with a boiling pot of water and outside air.
My face is shiny all the time.
I greatly enjoyed my hour and a half at the DMV this afternoon due to its air conditioning. Subways are good for that too. My apartment is not.
77 on Monday, 77 on Monday, 77 on Monday...
I'm boiling pasta in the kitchen. Too hot, so I open the window to cool things down. There is no difference between the temperature of my stuffy kitchen with a boiling pot of water and outside air.
My face is shiny all the time.
I greatly enjoyed my hour and a half at the DMV this afternoon due to its air conditioning. Subways are good for that too. My apartment is not.
77 on Monday, 77 on Monday, 77 on Monday...
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Back in the vibe
I've kept entries surprisingly short up to this point... so please forgive me for indulging in another one of my famous essays...
I'm sure it's a combination of job stress, housing stress, and previous exposure, but this summer in general has not been as wildly fantastical as my last in NYC. Wide-eyed discovery, of course, is a one-time thing. As beautiful as Central Park still looks to me, I can't recreate individual moments of wonder like running around the reservoir for the first time (!) or stumbling upon a series of waterfalls on the north end of the park (!!). I've been too busy getting my life in order out here to truly enjoy the city or the summer. Plus it's been either rainy or icky hot for the majority of this summer...
But ah, what a difference a Sunday makes! Back to UU for the first time in a couple weeks and met--names, conversation, and all!--several really nice people... the beginnings of a church community?? As much as I doubt the absolute necessity of a "worship service" of any kind, I will say that I just feel good every time I leave that building.
As per my Sunday routine of last summer, after UU I strolled through Central Park since it's finally sunny and wasn't too hot at 12 (currently it's 89--chance of cactus weather). For the first time this year the park felt fresh and buoyant with spontaneity and life. I felt as though I had stepped into a Charles Ives piece (holla music majors!), meandering through overlapping aural tableaus (tableaux?) rich in diversity... A double bass soloist, dueling acoustic guitars, a self-described cello rock band, a jazz combo riffing scats on swing music, a saxophone-powered funk band, that hip-hop "Every Breath You Take" cover on radio, rhythmically bouncing volleyballs and basketballs, carousel themes, a violin sonata, the clip-clop of horse hooves, children's laughter... what beautiful reminders that I live in such a beautiful city--in all senses.
In other news, my apartment is aaaaaalmost unpacked. Maybe this spiritual lift will propel me to finish the whole thing this afternoon! Hm...
Gotta go!!
Kate =)
I'm sure it's a combination of job stress, housing stress, and previous exposure, but this summer in general has not been as wildly fantastical as my last in NYC. Wide-eyed discovery, of course, is a one-time thing. As beautiful as Central Park still looks to me, I can't recreate individual moments of wonder like running around the reservoir for the first time (!) or stumbling upon a series of waterfalls on the north end of the park (!!). I've been too busy getting my life in order out here to truly enjoy the city or the summer. Plus it's been either rainy or icky hot for the majority of this summer...
But ah, what a difference a Sunday makes! Back to UU for the first time in a couple weeks and met--names, conversation, and all!--several really nice people... the beginnings of a church community?? As much as I doubt the absolute necessity of a "worship service" of any kind, I will say that I just feel good every time I leave that building.
As per my Sunday routine of last summer, after UU I strolled through Central Park since it's finally sunny and wasn't too hot at 12 (currently it's 89--chance of cactus weather). For the first time this year the park felt fresh and buoyant with spontaneity and life. I felt as though I had stepped into a Charles Ives piece (holla music majors!), meandering through overlapping aural tableaus (tableaux?) rich in diversity... A double bass soloist, dueling acoustic guitars, a self-described cello rock band, a jazz combo riffing scats on swing music, a saxophone-powered funk band, that hip-hop "Every Breath You Take" cover on radio, rhythmically bouncing volleyballs and basketballs, carousel themes, a violin sonata, the clip-clop of horse hooves, children's laughter... what beautiful reminders that I live in such a beautiful city--in all senses.
In other news, my apartment is aaaaaalmost unpacked. Maybe this spiritual lift will propel me to finish the whole thing this afternoon! Hm...
Gotta go!!
Kate =)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Mommy wow!
Things I can add to my life skills resume:
*Signing a lease
*Opening utilities and Internet accounts
*Building IKEA furniture
*Calling a super for apartment-related issues
*Setting up a stereo system
*Setting up a printer
*Breaking a fan
*Fixing a fan (same fan)
*Playing phone pong between various departments of a single Internet provider
*Installing and accessing secure wireless (harder than it sounds)
*Accessing tech chat support for a wonky touchpad that may or may not have been exposed to hot tea
*Peaceing ("blowing off" for the unitiated) HP tech chat support by accidentally signing offline
*Harnessing the power of karma/magic/serendipity to fix said touchpad (until the next time it goes on the fritz...)
"Unpacking an entire life into a studio apartment" is still a distant goal... Whenever accomplished, pictures will follow!
Teaching assignment: PS 43 in the Bronx! 4 days/week, K-5 general music. Awesome!! The hunt for a Friday and/or weekend job is still on...
I may or may not meet John Stamos tomorrow. Wish me luck. In the meantime I will continue my Full House marathon. Goes great with unpacking FYI.
=) Kate
*Signing a lease
*Opening utilities and Internet accounts
*Building IKEA furniture
*Calling a super for apartment-related issues
*Setting up a stereo system
*Setting up a printer
*Breaking a fan
*Fixing a fan (same fan)
*Playing phone pong between various departments of a single Internet provider
*Installing and accessing secure wireless (harder than it sounds)
*Accessing tech chat support for a wonky touchpad that may or may not have been exposed to hot tea
*Peaceing ("blowing off" for the unitiated) HP tech chat support by accidentally signing offline
*Harnessing the power of karma/magic/serendipity to fix said touchpad (until the next time it goes on the fritz...)
"Unpacking an entire life into a studio apartment" is still a distant goal... Whenever accomplished, pictures will follow!
Teaching assignment: PS 43 in the Bronx! 4 days/week, K-5 general music. Awesome!! The hunt for a Friday and/or weekend job is still on...
I may or may not meet John Stamos tomorrow. Wish me luck. In the meantime I will continue my Full House marathon. Goes great with unpacking FYI.
=) Kate
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Stressed until October... but it's ok.
First of all, I LOVE my family. They drove all the way out here with a U-Haul trailer hitched to the back of the van with all my stuff and IKEA furniture. They moved all of that stuff up four floors (with the assistance of an elevator, but still) and built furniture and cleaned surfaces and organized cupboards... I still have quite a bit to unpack and organize, of course, but seriously--this would have been downright unmanageable without their help. My family is awesome.
Second of all, I am moved! My address:
75 Thayer St, Apt 4F
New York, NY 10040
Nice studio with separate kitchen, elevator building, laundry in building, really helpful (if not totally English-speaking) super, lots of closet space, easy access to basic needs. It's totally sufficient. Which is going to be the operative term of the year. Totally sufficient. Because I'm not making enough to have any sort of luxuries--a lifestyle which theoretically I embrace but in reality becomes surprisingly scary. I've had everything provided for me for my entire life; I've led a conspicuously blessed life and for all my recognition of and ideological distaste for privilege, it is ultimately nice to have it. So I'm trying to frame the next year as a giant, totally immersive learning experience. I'll have a better understanding of the lives of those I'm interested in teaching. Kind of. So from that perspective I'm excited. But I still would like to eat out every once in a while...
Side annoyance: Do I really have to pay for Internet if I can steal wireless from my apartment? Psh security...
But really I still love this city. Though suburban New Jersey makes me homesick and I'm getting a little tired of public transportation, I know starting school will rejuvenate my energies. And finding a second job would be nice. So while I will make every effort to be pleasant toward you in all phone, electronic, and written correspondance, just know that I'm going to be a little off until around Halloween. Sorry in advance =)
Love & Hugs & Consciously plastered smiles,
Kate =)
Second of all, I am moved! My address:
75 Thayer St, Apt 4F
New York, NY 10040
Nice studio with separate kitchen, elevator building, laundry in building, really helpful (if not totally English-speaking) super, lots of closet space, easy access to basic needs. It's totally sufficient. Which is going to be the operative term of the year. Totally sufficient. Because I'm not making enough to have any sort of luxuries--a lifestyle which theoretically I embrace but in reality becomes surprisingly scary. I've had everything provided for me for my entire life; I've led a conspicuously blessed life and for all my recognition of and ideological distaste for privilege, it is ultimately nice to have it. So I'm trying to frame the next year as a giant, totally immersive learning experience. I'll have a better understanding of the lives of those I'm interested in teaching. Kind of. So from that perspective I'm excited. But I still would like to eat out every once in a while...
Side annoyance: Do I really have to pay for Internet if I can steal wireless from my apartment? Psh security...
But really I still love this city. Though suburban New Jersey makes me homesick and I'm getting a little tired of public transportation, I know starting school will rejuvenate my energies. And finding a second job would be nice. So while I will make every effort to be pleasant toward you in all phone, electronic, and written correspondance, just know that I'm going to be a little off until around Halloween. Sorry in advance =)
Love & Hugs & Consciously plastered smiles,
Kate =)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I have two fingers. I have... four fingers.
Oops, wrong quote. More appropriately:
Is this real life??
A few money orders, a guarantor letter, and a signature or two from today, I will be the leaser of a New York City apartment. Then I move in my life (which now includes a number of wonderfully cheap and efficient IKEA products) on Thursday. And start a job in 2 weeks. Hopefully multiple jobs. Right now I'm on track for working a 40-hour week but only getting paid for 25 hours. Iowa teaching salary on a New York budget. Here's to depleting my savings in the next 12 months...
Before Thursday, I still have a bit to do, including a full cleaning of my sublet, laundry, and some last minute purchases (granny cart here I come!). But great news bears--I finished the collage!! Here's a better-quality image (I hope) than Facebook would allow:
Also, below is a link to Education Through Music's website for those interested in learning about the organization of my employment (again, ideally this is one of multiple employers...)
"Work With Us" will take you to my job description more or less
In conclusion, I am reposting my facebook status simply because I think it's hilarious. I'm not hilarious, just the situation.
Kate Phillips knows it's a good day when the Weatherbug icon for NYC roughly translates to "sunny with a chance of cactus"
=) KP
Is this real life??
A few money orders, a guarantor letter, and a signature or two from today, I will be the leaser of a New York City apartment. Then I move in my life (which now includes a number of wonderfully cheap and efficient IKEA products) on Thursday. And start a job in 2 weeks. Hopefully multiple jobs. Right now I'm on track for working a 40-hour week but only getting paid for 25 hours. Iowa teaching salary on a New York budget. Here's to depleting my savings in the next 12 months...
Before Thursday, I still have a bit to do, including a full cleaning of my sublet, laundry, and some last minute purchases (granny cart here I come!). But great news bears--I finished the collage!! Here's a better-quality image (I hope) than Facebook would allow:
Ok, so not even as good as Facebook. Truly, it's more impressive in person, guess you'll just have to come see it! =)
Also, below is a link to Education Through Music's website for those interested in learning about the organization of my employment (again, ideally this is one of multiple employers...)
"Work With Us" will take you to my job description more or less
In conclusion, I am reposting my facebook status simply because I think it's hilarious. I'm not hilarious, just the situation.
Kate Phillips knows it's a good day when the Weatherbug icon for NYC roughly translates to "sunny with a chance of cactus"
=) KP
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Is this heaven?
No, it's IKEA.
(Apologies to my Iowans)
Oh man stepping into IKEA is akin to teleporting back to Europe. Starting with the food court. Cafeteria-style, just like those German foodstops, complete with wraps, sandwiches, Swedish meatballs (next time), and delicious almond cake! Big wrap and cake for $5. Sweet.
The way the store is run and organized is so epitomal of the European emphasis on personal responsibility for the good of all--something the US could certainly adopt more widely in businesses and other aspects of the public sector... Signs politely instruct diners to clean up their own tables--and then EXPLAIN that this practice allows for reduced prices and more efficient service to the consumer. I think in general people would be willing to adopt measures of personal responsibility despite the perceived "inconvenience" if provided logical and concise justification. But maybe that's just because I believe in the innate goodwill of humanity so very much... =)
The rest of the store is equally efficient, although if you step off the arrowed path to more closely inspect an item, good luck getting back on it. Way impressed with my first visit to the megastore, though--I'm convinced you could buy an entire house in there for about $2000. Walls and roof sold separately.
Today's been a little less heavenly between screwy weekend train schedules and an all-day torrent of patented city rain. Walking outside in the rain is much more bearable, at least from an emotional standpoint, when equipped with a sturdy umbrella, a chai, and Halal lunch (my official NYC comfort food). From a physical standpoint, however, I don't recommend carrying that many precarious objects through the rain unless you're firmly committed to enjoying their morale-boosting effects.
Love, Hugs, & Downpours
Kate =)
(Apologies to my Iowans)
Oh man stepping into IKEA is akin to teleporting back to Europe. Starting with the food court. Cafeteria-style, just like those German foodstops, complete with wraps, sandwiches, Swedish meatballs (next time), and delicious almond cake! Big wrap and cake for $5. Sweet.
The way the store is run and organized is so epitomal of the European emphasis on personal responsibility for the good of all--something the US could certainly adopt more widely in businesses and other aspects of the public sector... Signs politely instruct diners to clean up their own tables--and then EXPLAIN that this practice allows for reduced prices and more efficient service to the consumer. I think in general people would be willing to adopt measures of personal responsibility despite the perceived "inconvenience" if provided logical and concise justification. But maybe that's just because I believe in the innate goodwill of humanity so very much... =)
The rest of the store is equally efficient, although if you step off the arrowed path to more closely inspect an item, good luck getting back on it. Way impressed with my first visit to the megastore, though--I'm convinced you could buy an entire house in there for about $2000. Walls and roof sold separately.
Today's been a little less heavenly between screwy weekend train schedules and an all-day torrent of patented city rain. Walking outside in the rain is much more bearable, at least from an emotional standpoint, when equipped with a sturdy umbrella, a chai, and Halal lunch (my official NYC comfort food). From a physical standpoint, however, I don't recommend carrying that many precarious objects through the rain unless you're firmly committed to enjoying their morale-boosting effects.
Love, Hugs, & Downpours
Kate =)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Simply Amazing
Normally I don't like to post on consecutive days... But I'm pretty impressed with myself today.
Today I...
...decided once and for all on a studio apartment after learning that a one-bedroom is out of my price range because the pay works differently than I had though at this job of mine.
...caught 7 out of 8 subway trains exactly as they arrived at the station--that hardly ever happens once in a day!
...interviewed for another part-time job to fill my work week and learned I'm pretty used to interviewing now. No big thing. Except the school is on the fifth floor of another school... that'll be quite the hike if I land the job...
...ate no meat. Mostly because I'm low on it. Not really that big of a deal but I couldn't tell you a day in the last several months that I went without meat, even in Tanzania. So now I know I can!
...pondered finishing my collage. The night is still young...
=) KP
Today I...
...decided once and for all on a studio apartment after learning that a one-bedroom is out of my price range because the pay works differently than I had though at this job of mine.
...caught 7 out of 8 subway trains exactly as they arrived at the station--that hardly ever happens once in a day!
...interviewed for another part-time job to fill my work week and learned I'm pretty used to interviewing now. No big thing. Except the school is on the fifth floor of another school... that'll be quite the hike if I land the job...
...ate no meat. Mostly because I'm low on it. Not really that big of a deal but I couldn't tell you a day in the last several months that I went without meat, even in Tanzania. So now I know I can!
...pondered finishing my collage. The night is still young...
=) KP
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Oh wait...
Beautiful run this morning, meeting with my prospective landlord (one or two days away from signing a lease!!), got some errands done... And then I return home and collect my mail that includes a big packet of info from my job. Yay--details!
Then the minor freakout.
[My internal monologue will appear in brackets]
2 days of 4th/5th general music on the Upper West Side.
[Way cool! Short commute, standard music teaching, ease breeze].
I read on: 3 days in the Bronx
[Mm ok not what I was expecting but that's cool]
I look up the commute
[1 hr 15 min... which means I have to allow 1 1/2 hours... Ugh ok...]
And then... Bronx assignment: 1 day general music, 2 days beginning band
[I did not sign up for this. I've never been in a band. I almost passed out playing the flute. 6 hours of commuting for band? Is this what a panic attack feels like??...]
A polite call to the employer later ("I have an interview for a one-day-a-week job tomorrow... Should I cancel this or would you still like to fill a 4-day position?") reveals that they had copied/pasted erroneous information into my letter. My placements aren't done yet and will likely be 4 days a week at one school, all general music.
[Ooook. We're calming down, let's eat some lunch]
Then the minor freakout.
[My internal monologue will appear in brackets]
2 days of 4th/5th general music on the Upper West Side.
[Way cool! Short commute, standard music teaching, ease breeze].
I read on: 3 days in the Bronx
[Mm ok not what I was expecting but that's cool]
I look up the commute
[1 hr 15 min... which means I have to allow 1 1/2 hours... Ugh ok...]
And then... Bronx assignment: 1 day general music, 2 days beginning band
[I did not sign up for this. I've never been in a band. I almost passed out playing the flute. 6 hours of commuting for band? Is this what a panic attack feels like??...]
A polite call to the employer later ("I have an interview for a one-day-a-week job tomorrow... Should I cancel this or would you still like to fill a 4-day position?") reveals that they had copied/pasted erroneous information into my letter. My placements aren't done yet and will likely be 4 days a week at one school, all general music.
[Ooook. We're calming down, let's eat some lunch]
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I'm not homeless!!
If all goes through according to plan, I will have my very own living space as of August 1! It's in Inwood, the neighborhood of my current sublet and it has everything I'm looking for--close subway, grocery, laundry in building, and even a courtyard! To clarify, courtyard was not on my "must-have" list. But it's pretty sweet. Though I wouldn't have admitted it if I was still going for the West Harlem apartment I originally applied for, this one is in a much safer neighborhood, especially with regards to the nighttime crowd, so that's probs a good thing. =) I'll start giving out the address once it's *official* so I don't jinx anything... Nonetheless you will for sure have a place to stay when you visit beyond a cardboard box under a bridge. Great news bears.
August 1--and with it, the month of August--is this Saturday. That's nuts. I have to finish my collage, which at this point just involves glueing, but I feel it's going to take a while to get things "just so" with my decorative perfectionism... Perhaps having a deadline is a good thing with respect to creative neurosis.
Aaah AND all this moving business coming so soon means my family is here next week!! I'm so excited to show them the city and neighborhoods... and buy some sweet IKEA furnishings! =) Operation: Find Fun Stuff for the Family to Do is underway...
Love & Hugs & New Apartments!
KP =)
August 1--and with it, the month of August--is this Saturday. That's nuts. I have to finish my collage, which at this point just involves glueing, but I feel it's going to take a while to get things "just so" with my decorative perfectionism... Perhaps having a deadline is a good thing with respect to creative neurosis.
Aaah AND all this moving business coming so soon means my family is here next week!! I'm so excited to show them the city and neighborhoods... and buy some sweet IKEA furnishings! =) Operation: Find Fun Stuff for the Family to Do is underway...
Love & Hugs & New Apartments!
KP =)
Friday, July 24, 2009
Big kid stuff
Just filled out an application for an apartment in West Harlem... that's still being renovated... fingers crossed that it'll be done in time for the fam to move my stuff in! Otherwise it's back to square one...
It seems like busy things happen in clumps out here... like apartment hunting yesterday and today, dinner/show tonight, volunteer project tomorrow... and then nothing scheduled until Thursday. I suppose that gives me some time to work hardcore on the collage I've been planning for months now! I'll have pics of the ongoing process on Facebook soon (as well as some of the epic weekend party night), but I'm way excited for the finished product!!
In less than a month I'll be moved and working and a real deal adult. Which will be awesome once it's a month from now but remains ominously surreal (surreally ominous?) for the moment.
In other news, I like cooking. I've decided that purchasing the necessary items for high-quality meals is going to be my one and only splurge category here. I may forgo owning a TV, and I may never attend cultural events with a price tag, but I will eat pesto chicken and fried plantain chips and cous cous and whole wheat rigatoni carbonara and fresh fruit and soy milk. All together. All the time.
It seems like busy things happen in clumps out here... like apartment hunting yesterday and today, dinner/show tonight, volunteer project tomorrow... and then nothing scheduled until Thursday. I suppose that gives me some time to work hardcore on the collage I've been planning for months now! I'll have pics of the ongoing process on Facebook soon (as well as some of the epic weekend party night), but I'm way excited for the finished product!!
In less than a month I'll be moved and working and a real deal adult. Which will be awesome once it's a month from now but remains ominously surreal (surreally ominous?) for the moment.
In other news, I like cooking. I've decided that purchasing the necessary items for high-quality meals is going to be my one and only splurge category here. I may forgo owning a TV, and I may never attend cultural events with a price tag, but I will eat pesto chicken and fried plantain chips and cous cous and whole wheat rigatoni carbonara and fresh fruit and soy milk. All together. All the time.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Here we go again...
I've decided to reboot the whole blogging thing in an effort to stay better connected... and saner myself... amidst the hustle and bustle of this new and permanent New York City life of mine. In other words, I keep thinking of good things to say that would look awkward in a Facebook status update.
A month plus into "real life" here and I have about half my life put together. Which I suppose is decent considering I have roughly half a summer left. Job--check. I'm working at least 4 days a week (fingers crossed for 5...) teaching music in one or more public schools around East Harlem through an independent organization called Education Through Music. Basically, I'm a public school teacher receiving my pay not through the Department of Education but through ETM. But the chances of getting hired by the school system within the first 2 years is very high, which is excellent news for my prospective salary and health benefits, both of which I will have with this job but would be improved once hired by the DOE...
So that's more or less taken care of. Housing not so much... Seen a few decent places but currently no one's returning my calls... If I were a broker I imagine I would want to, you know, stay in contact with clients who seem eager to pay me for my services, but maybe things work differently out here. Here's hoping that I won't have to venture into the sleazy world of craigslist...
Please please please keep me nice and updated with all your lives and I want each and every one of you to visit!!! ...Once I have an apartment. And please don't all come at the same time.
Love & Hugs,
Kate or Katie or KP or basically whatever you want to call me (within reason)
A month plus into "real life" here and I have about half my life put together. Which I suppose is decent considering I have roughly half a summer left. Job--check. I'm working at least 4 days a week (fingers crossed for 5...) teaching music in one or more public schools around East Harlem through an independent organization called Education Through Music. Basically, I'm a public school teacher receiving my pay not through the Department of Education but through ETM. But the chances of getting hired by the school system within the first 2 years is very high, which is excellent news for my prospective salary and health benefits, both of which I will have with this job but would be improved once hired by the DOE...
So that's more or less taken care of. Housing not so much... Seen a few decent places but currently no one's returning my calls... If I were a broker I imagine I would want to, you know, stay in contact with clients who seem eager to pay me for my services, but maybe things work differently out here. Here's hoping that I won't have to venture into the sleazy world of craigslist...
Please please please keep me nice and updated with all your lives and I want each and every one of you to visit!!! ...Once I have an apartment. And please don't all come at the same time.
Love & Hugs,
Kate or Katie or KP or basically whatever you want to call me (within reason)
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