Sunday, January 16, 2011

Today I...

woke up at a reasonable hour (9:30) from a girls' night/sleepover with church friends.

brunched in Astoria with said friends with mimosa and coffee.

ran outside in sub-50s temperatures for the first time EVER. Aside from regular tissue breaks, it was actually really refreshing and surprisingly easy. More, please.

will bake a vegetarian cheeseburger noodle casserole--a childhood favorite (minus the vegetarian part), and then consume a serving with bottled beer.

will lesson plan so tomorrow (day off!) can be set aside for chores and friendships.

will watch probably too many episodes of The West Wing on loan from the library (I only have a week to finish a half a season. Justified.).

The point is, the person living the day outlined above is practically a stranger to the one who inhabited my life even two years ago. She even goes by a different name sometimes. =) There are the obvious partitions between life segments (graduations, apartment, jobs...), and then there are the incremental shifts that occur daily. Community-building. Diet and exercise routines. Coffee! Of course, this duality of change is no revelation. But the occasional perspective check can be amusing, revealing, and promising of possibility.


1 comment:

  1. nice. this is how i felt last year. like, wow, is this really my life, and, is this really who i am now?

    not so much this year, but you know. working on it. i'll fall over the day i blog about multiple plans with friendships that weren't preexisitng before this year.

    though, i'm being hopeful. right? :)
