Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Food Musings

Chili is easy. Beans. Tomato something. Spices. Sweet. Vegetables. Tada!

Homemade fries are made crispier and tastier by the addition of cornstarch to the frying oil.

Corn tortillas are awful "raw" but mysteriously delicious cooked. Like eggplant. Fun fact: In addition to maintaining a lackluster flavor, raw eggplant is also mildly poisonous.

Why don't they typically market the French Press as a dual coffee-tea maker? It totally is.

Gouda is an acceptable substitute for almost any other type of solid cheese. Flavorful enough to cover for cheddar on a cracker or burrito, sharp enough to be swapped in for swiss on a sandwich, mild and soft enough to replace mozzarella in Italian fare. And the smoked variety can almost pass for a meaty flavor if you squint your tastebuds (is there a word to approximate "squint" for taste?). Anyway, it's the frugal shopper's best friend in the dairy section.

Sometimes, granola bar companies pass out free samples on the street. And sometimes they leave the sample in a bag on your apartment doorknob. Surprise afterschool snack!!

Here's hoping for enough figurative candy bars and milkshakes (as opposed to lemondrops and gumdrops--look it up) for a day off tomorrow...

Oh, and beware when selecting your free bagel from Planet Fitness. Minced garlic looks an awful lot like sesame seeds, but only one tastes good with jam.

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