Monday, June 7, 2010


And the living is indeed easy! I have just experienced my first weekend since August without any lesson planning or bulletin board making hanging over my head... It's awesome. I completed a massive apartment clean-through on Saturday, hosted a get-together Saturday evening, attended church (with a marvelous, this-is-why-I-choose-this-church-as-homebase type of sermon; link to come but enjoy an equally as pleasing one from last week here) and brunch, and then made an afternoon out of unplanned clothes shopping with a friend from church. H&M is dangerously inexpensive, btw.

For the moment, June has remembered it's not August and temperatures in the 90s have subsided to pleasant summer 70s, so the outside is much more fun. Ran this morning, walking to the Bronx tomorrow for a free Mozart strings concert, enjoying a packed Wednesday of school stuff, lunch with Meghan (Hey, Meghan, I'm coming for lunch Wednesday), Buddhist meditation in the evening... I. Love. Summer.

Happy Feel-Goodery of the Week:

*A successful and lightly bittersweet last week of classes included several of my most non-participatory students fully engaged--singing, volunteering answers, the whole shebang. I do not know what happened.

*There's a conductor on the A who makes additons like, "Have a beautiful day and a very pleasant evening," and "Each and every one of you is beautiful. Thank you so much for choosing to ride with us," to her standard/mandated announcements. Great way to end the day!

*After sharing her summer travel plans involving Honduras and Peru, Yasmine is beyond impressed that I get to spend part of my summer in... South Carolina!!!!!!

*I received flowers and the cutest-ever book of "Thank You/I love you and music" notes from one of my first grade classes... And then more flowers and a card from a fourth grade class. If that's bribery, I'm eatin' it up. =)

*All three Kindergarten classes chose to listen/dance to African Children's Choir over a previously grooved-to funk song... and then they all sang along to the Swahili the best they could. My work here is done.

It's June, kids--ENJOY IT!!!
KP =)


  1. ahh, h&m is fabulous! for a period during high school, where i had three school trips to chicago in the span of like two weeks, my wardrobe was entirely h&m.

    hmm, i had another comment. but i forgot.

    i'll share a happy feel good moment of my own though that your train story brought to memory. so i'm working with a student whose english is mostly lacking, and trying to use the verb "have" correctly in a sentence. she correctly states, "i have a beautiful teacher." :)

  2. also, just read that sermon. i liked it a lot-- unfortunately most people in the one-third world won't realize that it's their actions that need to change.
