-2 full days of blue skies after a week of rain and clouds (and before another similar week)
-1 perplexingly legit bar 6 blocks from my school in the Bronx that fills up with teachers on Friday afternoons for phenomenal happy hour and karaoke fun. Let sit for 6 hours with 4 other ETM music teachers (plus the 50 other ones already in the know about this place) and arrive home by 11pm.
-5 apples, 1 eggplant, 1 onion, 1 large bunch broccoli, and 1 carrot for $6 at the local Greenmarket. Cheap, healthy, and delicious is my favorite.
-3 hours of marathon apartment cleaning. Annoying, but always incredibly calming and mentally cleansing afterward.
-2 hours paid babysitting. Layer lesson planning and tasty ravioli over the top.
-1 long-awaited sermon on the necessity of outreach and service (and a commitment to new, real initiatives) from the pulpit of my regular church. Follow up with several conversations on the need to jump on board these initiatives and the general wave of intent. Finally!
-1 tall pumpkin spice latte and 1 multi-grain bagel, toasted, with cream cheese. Leisurely consume over the entry of 450 names into the gradebook.
-6 miles of energized (perhaps due to the aforementioned latte) running. Combine with crisp fall temperatures and a random Renaissance Faire. (What, Inwood?)
Et voila! It was quite the productive and enjoyable weekend. And then...
It was going to be a great Monday. I baked pumpkin bread for my new school. I had all my lesson plans and materials set the night before. It didn't even rain over my morning commute! Then my traveling teacher cart ran into a corner, projectile-flipping my water bottle onto the floor, the result of which materialized in said bottle leaking, unbeknownst to me, over my cart and phone which normally wouldn't have been there but I kept out to make sure my visiting field supervisor would find me in the school (she never came) and now the keypad is becoming increasingly temperamental so it's sitting in a tub of rice. Also, since the clouds held in their fury over my afternoon commute as well, I didn't notice when I left my umbrella bag, umbrella inside, on my first of two buses and failed to realize the oversight until I was off the second. I then learned that Target umbrellas are (unreasonably?) expensive but now I have an umbrella. Whatever. And my library said it had a book I planned lessons around this week but in fact did not so I had to go to the one in the next neighborhood which proved a longer and more frustrating and wetter excursion than I had anticipated. Then I got free pizza from my gym. That was handy.
I'm not sure to which side of karma the last three days have delivered me, but I would like to call it even. I would also like to call from my phone in the near future. C'mon, rice...
Love, Hugs, and a case of the Mondays,
KP =)
UPDATE: Phone is in full working order. Brown rice + vacuum = one less item off my plate. =)
ReplyDeletei don't know who's winning, me or you.
i have a car with an engine that overheats (and needs to be stopped and cool down before you can drive again. so much for any driving). and i had to get a new cell phone today, battery dead and my old phone was too old for a new battery.
but, now my brother is coming tomorrow! and staying until...?
have you ever read the book "fortunately?" i think it's something like that.
anyway, make sure you take the battery out of the phone, and put it in a ziploc bag with the rice. and don't touch it for like two days. really. it should do the trick.