Thursday, April 29, 2010

Blog=Metaphor for Life?

This update is roughly 3 weeks overdue, will surely leave out important life happenings, and may not be entirely coherent or well-structured. Welcome to concert season.

I feel as though I should just plan the year's programs up-front, in the summer, and avoid all the unproductive stress and vague sense of foreboding that swing in about a month prior to these relatively inconsequential (in the grand scheme of things) concerts. I experienced the same anxiety around Thanksgiving, so I should know that all will be memorized, the kids will pull off a professional showing, and the parents and teachers will just be thrilled that there's a music program in the first place. But with three weeks to go and so much more to rehearse and organize...

Maybe I should start interspersing the Happy Feel-Good Moments now...

[Angel, age 4, has been fervently trying to communicate something to me, first by calling out my name incessantly then by waving his hand until it looks as though it will fall off]
"YES, Angel--what is your question?"
"I didn't have a question."
"Ok, what did you want to tell me?"
(Long pause; he clearly has lost all memory of original intent)

Mmm much better on the stress levels... =)

So my parents visited, and it was awesome. I love love love showing people around the city (hint hint hint...), especially when they have no interest in the touristy stuff. Yes, we went to a show--Next to Normal--fantastic--but other than that brief glimpse of Times Square we dwelt among the locals, wining and dining our way through Manhattan. Way fun, and a great respite from the chaos of... well, you know. =) We won't mention that part of life any more.

Another HFGM for your reading pleasure

A few weeks ago a very well-mannered and poised 5th grader from PS 75 (one of the schools at which I have subbed) approached me on a weekend train to say hi and tell me he missed me. This after a 2-week subbing stint in January. I. Love. Teaching.

In other news, I really feel like I'm beginning my role as "active participant" at my church. Between steady attendance at young adult events (and services for that matter) and a few opportunities for minor leadership, I finally am comfortable taking a little ownership in this community. In general, I tend to take a little while to warm up to a new atmosphere, but once I feel I can put my personality out there my involvement snowballs and suddenly I can't remember that time I was too timid to speak more than a few words. Let's hope this follows suit...

And rounding off the HFGMs of the last... MONTH (seriously, another one on Saturday??):

I scored free Columbian rice at a street fair by being discerning and maybe a little adorable. Mm, the sweet taste of handouts.

I've been taking to running along the Hudson River for the gorgeous views and relatively light traffic... Part of the route runs next to the highway, where I recently encountered a fledgling trombonist practicing his scales. On the side of the highway.

Apparently Tork and I should simply plan our "dates" at the 190th A train station, where we randomly encountered one another for the SECOND time in 6 months despite neither of us actually claiming the stop as our own.

And last but certainly not least, this quote:
"I want someone who will be monogamous and nice to his mother. And I want someone who likes musicals but knows to just shut his mouth while I'm watching Lost. And I want someone who thinks being really into cars is lame and strip clubs are gross. I want someone who will actually empty the dishwasher instead of just taking out forks as needed, like I do. I want someone with clean hands and feet and beefy forearms like a damn Disney prince. And I want him to genuinely like me, even when I'm old. And that's what I want."
Watch out Liz Lemon, we're after the same dude.

Love, Hugs, and ...Rainbows...
=) Kate

1 comment:

  1. i agree with liz lemon, too! but for me just change lost to grey's :)

    i'd love to come visit new york (sometime when i have money) and have the unofficial tour. though i do, however, still want to see a show, go to the art museum, and ellis island. sorry about that.

    the first time i read the paragraph about the 5th grader, i thought you were talking about a teacher. and i was like, hellooo is he young and single? and then i realized you were talking about a fifth grader.

    that's all. :)
