This week saw a number of "firsts", mostly positive. A photographic log:
Also--first RUN of the year in Central Park last week! Unfortunately, I did not bring along a camera to document the occasion, but the proof is in the outdoor running high that just recently wore off =)
Happy Feel Good Moments:
*Aforementioned Central Park run (high of 59 that day!!)
*I fully completed a New York magazine crossword puzzle. Sense of accomplishment: fulfilled.
*One of the second grade classes wrote 100 "acts of love" for Valentine's Day/100th Day of School. I am the proud owner of a delightful card from Leah. =)
*Luis: "Whoa--Ms. Phillips, how do you know who Sonic is?!?" [Answer: Andrew Dougherty Phillips.]
*When "What a Wonderful World" drifts into the subway tunnels from someone's boombox, you just can't help but smile.
*15 out of 17 concert pieces selected--way ahead of last concert's curve. Themes are proving essential to ease of concert planning.
*My naughty 3rd grade class gave me some truly first-rate singing today. Too often I forget I should be deliberately working on molding these kids into highly competent performers, not just filling their minds.
Love love love!
Kate =)
thanks for the well wishes! let's see, i can probably skype your tuesday night if you would like...
ReplyDeletealso, katie, i can tell you're not a sports girl due to the nice sweater you wore to the hockey game. but it's okay, i forgive you. :)
love the curly hair, and way to be the cool teacher. i think my students get a kick out of when they make a pop culture reference and i laugh, however it's really just an unfortunate sign of the influence of western culture. but it catches me off guard every single time, and i think they are always surprised i know the reference. yes, students, i do recognize kelly clarkson songs, thank you.