But really, I checked out this weekend. So did the kids, so ultimately things are ok, but I am so ready for a break from the city. Last week's weather was GORGEOUS (70!!) and involved much time outside; this week is back to rainy and people on the streets seem angry or maybe I'm projecting my restlessness or the fact that my ear did that thing again where it temporarily shuts down function (at least I hope it's another temporary deal) or my general disdain for concert season... Anyway, winter weather or not, I'm adequately (read: extremely) prepared to visit the Midwest and more importantly all the lovely PEOPLE who live there!!
I leave Friday morning, and before then I need to:
*Do laundry (Status: In Progress)
*Finish preparing materials for the remainder of the week's lessons
*Exercise once more (Outside? C'mon, weather...)
*Make a packing list (this might be helpful to complete before packing)
*Mail things like rent and the Census
*Sweep and vacuum
*Clean out the fridge for things I won't want to smell upon my return
*Regain hearing in my left ear (at least it's a different one this time; talking on the phone is much easier)
*Attend a book club (The Red Tent, Anita Diamant)
Happy Feel-Good Moments of the Week
*Music Instinct--fantastic documentary about the biological evolution and argument for music. Reignited high-minded aspirations regarding my career in music education... (If you have Netflix it's free to stream)
*Great outdoor runs in shorts, around my neighborhood, etc... Summer is just around the corner, right?
*Piecing together student siblings on conference day is way fun and rather enlightening.
*Japhel: "Ms. Phillips, how do you KNOW so much about music??"
*I watched Lost (via Hulu) on my fire escape.
*Our school librarian REALLY gets into holiday costuming... For St. Patrick's day she wore a green boa and streaked her hair kelly green!
*Sometimes it's nice to walk through Times Square (without stopping) simply to appreciate everything that is not Times Square.
*I garnered an interview for a music teacher position at a summer school program downtown with a fabulous schedule and very decent pay... Fingers crossed!!
*Paul Torkelson is on Facebook, which is awesome. Maybe we'll finally set up another dinner...
Love, Hugs, and IOWA ON SATURDAY!!!!
=) KP
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
The Cost of Spring
Lest we take for granted the gorgeous weathers of spring and summer, nature likes to remind us around this time of year that we must pay our dues... In the form of random cold spikes and multi-day marathons of raaaaaain (worse than "rain"). It has been raining non-stop since Friday, and the memory of last week's blue skies and jacketless temperatures quickly fade into "Oh yeah, it's still March". But sun and 50s soon...
This week saw a number of "firsts", mostly positive. A photographic log:
First unobstructed view of Manhattan from my classroom!!!! Though it remains on the other sides of the building, the construction netting and scaffolding has disappeared from my side, just in time for a beautiful week of weather (that would be last week, not this one yet).
First umbrella put to rest. 25 mph winds'll do that. Please note the bent handle, protruding spoke, and general deflation of the once curved rain shield.
First hockey game. I know, right? Meghan had free box seats at Madison Square Garden for the NY Rangers game from her agency. It was not as painful as I remember sporting events being when I was younger, yet I'm still decidedly a performing arts girl.
Also--first RUN of the year in Central Park last week! Unfortunately, I did not bring along a camera to document the occasion, but the proof is in the outdoor running high that just recently wore off =)
Happy Feel Good Moments:
*Aforementioned Central Park run (high of 59 that day!!)
*I fully completed a New York magazine crossword puzzle. Sense of accomplishment: fulfilled.
*One of the second grade classes wrote 100 "acts of love" for Valentine's Day/100th Day of School. I am the proud owner of a delightful card from Leah. =)
*Luis: "Whoa--Ms. Phillips, how do you know who Sonic is?!?" [Answer: Andrew Dougherty Phillips.]
*When "What a Wonderful World" drifts into the subway tunnels from someone's boombox, you just can't help but smile.
*15 out of 17 concert pieces selected--way ahead of last concert's curve. Themes are proving essential to ease of concert planning.
*My naughty 3rd grade class gave me some truly first-rate singing today. Too often I forget I should be deliberately working on molding these kids into highly competent performers, not just filling their minds.
Love love love!
Kate =)
This week saw a number of "firsts", mostly positive. A photographic log:
Also--first RUN of the year in Central Park last week! Unfortunately, I did not bring along a camera to document the occasion, but the proof is in the outdoor running high that just recently wore off =)
Happy Feel Good Moments:
*Aforementioned Central Park run (high of 59 that day!!)
*I fully completed a New York magazine crossword puzzle. Sense of accomplishment: fulfilled.
*One of the second grade classes wrote 100 "acts of love" for Valentine's Day/100th Day of School. I am the proud owner of a delightful card from Leah. =)
*Luis: "Whoa--Ms. Phillips, how do you know who Sonic is?!?" [Answer: Andrew Dougherty Phillips.]
*When "What a Wonderful World" drifts into the subway tunnels from someone's boombox, you just can't help but smile.
*15 out of 17 concert pieces selected--way ahead of last concert's curve. Themes are proving essential to ease of concert planning.
*My naughty 3rd grade class gave me some truly first-rate singing today. Too often I forget I should be deliberately working on molding these kids into highly competent performers, not just filling their minds.
Love love love!
Kate =)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
So Far So Good
I've been doing rather well on the goals I set forth for March...
Concert music is 80% selected (now I just have to track down all that sheet music...)
More art--check. I'm sketchin' on subways and pickin' away at the guitar in my free time, and it feels great to be doing creative stuff again that has nothing to do with school children!
Smiling on subways... Working on it. I'd say 30% success so far.
Love love LOVE recording the happy feel-good moments (or HFGM) of my day!! Not only am I a happier girl at the end of the day, but I also find myself looking for great moments to record--heightening my consciousness of the beautiful little things that happen all around. Highlights from the week:
*Nyshia: "Ms. Phillips, can I use this picture of President Obama and Ms. Michelle to represent Marriage of Figaro on the Mozart collage?"
[So many things to love here: The fact we're making Mozart collages, her recognition of a now iconic photo--slow dance at the Inauguration--even when intentionally blurry, her use of "Ms. Michelle" to address the first lady...]
*I made a pretty delicious broccoli-egg-ricotta souffle.
*On Thursday I miraculously encountered the elusive no-wait commute--in BOTH directions.
*Later in the day I had a subway car all to myself for an unprecedented four stops. So I sang loudly.
*I found a variety pack of construction paper that included purple. More difficult than one would think.
*Drunk girl at bar: "Hey, guy, the bathroom is behind" (Sober translation: "Excuse me, sir, the line for the bathroom starts behind us") Cue a comical conversation among the rest of us in line on how to properly address a stranger in a bar.
*There are some quality programs out there to aid urban educators. Thank you, Project Cicero, for facilitating the near-tripling of my music book library!!
*Indian spring, the psychological effects of which are somewhat regrettable in late March, is a welcome phenomenon in early March. And by Indian spring I mean the converse of Indian fall.
*Today I cut out pictures for my next bulletin board on the subway. I hope it looked as awesome as I imagine it did.
As for the goal of holding off Waverly excitement... 4 out of 5 goals isn't bad. =)
Concert music is 80% selected (now I just have to track down all that sheet music...)
More art--check. I'm sketchin' on subways and pickin' away at the guitar in my free time, and it feels great to be doing creative stuff again that has nothing to do with school children!
Smiling on subways... Working on it. I'd say 30% success so far.
Love love LOVE recording the happy feel-good moments (or HFGM) of my day!! Not only am I a happier girl at the end of the day, but I also find myself looking for great moments to record--heightening my consciousness of the beautiful little things that happen all around. Highlights from the week:
*Nyshia: "Ms. Phillips, can I use this picture of President Obama and Ms. Michelle to represent Marriage of Figaro on the Mozart collage?"
[So many things to love here: The fact we're making Mozart collages, her recognition of a now iconic photo--slow dance at the Inauguration--even when intentionally blurry, her use of "Ms. Michelle" to address the first lady...]
*I made a pretty delicious broccoli-egg-ricotta souffle.
*On Thursday I miraculously encountered the elusive no-wait commute--in BOTH directions.
*Later in the day I had a subway car all to myself for an unprecedented four stops. So I sang loudly.
*I found a variety pack of construction paper that included purple. More difficult than one would think.
*Drunk girl at bar: "Hey, guy, the bathroom is behind" (Sober translation: "Excuse me, sir, the line for the bathroom starts behind us") Cue a comical conversation among the rest of us in line on how to properly address a stranger in a bar.
*There are some quality programs out there to aid urban educators. Thank you, Project Cicero, for facilitating the near-tripling of my music book library!!
*Indian spring, the psychological effects of which are somewhat regrettable in late March, is a welcome phenomenon in early March. And by Indian spring I mean the converse of Indian fall.
*Today I cut out pictures for my next bulletin board on the subway. I hope it looked as awesome as I imagine it did.
As for the goal of holding off Waverly excitement... 4 out of 5 goals isn't bad. =)
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